加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息terrible day【第三天】
今天是来Halifax的第三天,星期一,是去学校的日子。星期六和星期日,homestay mom教我怎么坐公交,带我去买票,并且怕我记不住带我走了3遍路。今天早上一切都OK,没有问题,于是和朋友约8点半在学校门口见。怕出意外,7点多我就出门了。公交,没有问题,知道怎么坐坐几路,问题是,我弄错方向了,我还一直在找之前房东带我走的路上的白色教堂。后来我发现,公交是在这个区域绕了个圈子,看到白色教堂,我稍微有点安心。在Ferry Terminal时,房东告诉我公交会过Old Brige,然后在第一站下车。可是公交没有过old brige....。后来问了两个人,并且研究了半小时的buses schedule,确定了另一个能把我带去目的地的公交,上车之前,特意和司机确认过。公交过了桥,我凭印象下车,可是依旧没有找到....问了一个学生,他告诉我我要去的地方还很远....但是,他也不确定如何到达....= =!谢过他之后,看到有个人在遛狗,嗷嗷嗷,上天还是怜悯我哒...在用完车票的状态下,我找到了2.5刀硬币~遛狗的那个男人告诉我,我可以坐另一路公交到达,并且详细的给我解释了如何到达。今儿天很冷,并且还有很大的风,我在路上最起码用了2个半小时...today is terrible day...
回复: terrible day第三天你的朋友很可怜, 这么冷的天, 在学校门口会等好久.
回复: terrible day第三天不要忘了不定冠词,你应该说:Today is "a" terrible day.
回复: terrible day第三天你是不是坐52路? 如果是的话,那不丢人,我3年前来Halifax的时候坐过它, 从mumford TERMINAL 到 BRIDGE TERMINA, 同样是不知道所以然,很久后才知道有TMD 两个52路,一个去burnside,一个去bayer's lake,真是很操蛋! 现在想想还觉得中国的公交是天堂啊.另外下次记住上车后要transfer,这样你就不一定每次上下车都要重新买票了. 还有,BUS 的图其实说的很明白,但你要读懂才好.而且注意他们这里下车的站不一定都在SCHEDULE上,主要是为了方便乘客就近下车,这也是你看到有个绳子的原因.
回复: terrible day第三天不要忘了不定冠词,你应该说:Today is "a" terrible day.点击展开...晕,太过注重细节了。
回复: terrible day第三天晕,太过注重细节了。点击展开...Not really. It sounds like he/she is an international student and he/she must be trying to improve his/her English now. I thought he/she would appreciate that if someone corrected his/her English because I would. I make this mistake all the time, so do other Chinese. It is very common among Chinese but it is not a small mistake. It could make a conversation confusing to other people. I get correction all the time, unfortunately I still make the similar mistakes with "a" or "the" missing.
回复: terrible day第三天Not really. It sounds like he/she is an international student and he/she must be trying to improve his/her English now. I thought he/she would appreciate that if someone corrected his/her English because I would. I make this mistake all the time, so do other Chinese. It is very common among Chinese but it is not a small mistake. It could make a conversation confusing to other people. I get correction all the time, unfortunately I still make the similar mistakes with "a" or "the" missing. 点击展开... should we use "I still make" or "I am still making" ? LOL.. just a joke. I think we are good as long as we can understand each other. There is so much mistake that we made when talking even among locals. Here is an example: we should always be saying we are doing well, but now, seems like more and more people saying we are doing good which makes a basic grammer mistake but being accpted. Language is language, let it be and change, we just use as what it is.
回复: terrible day第三天should we use "I still make" or "I am still making" ? LOL.. just a joke. I think we are good as long as we can understand each other. There is so much mistake that we made when talking even among locals. Here is an example: we should always be saying we are doing well, but now, seems like more and more people saying we are doing good which makes a basic grammer mistake but being accpted. Language is language, let it be and change, we just use as what it is.点击展开...I agree. Languages are just tools for understanding each other.
回复: terrible day第三天Language is language, let it be and change, we just use as what it is.点击展开...这句我还真有点儿没看懂。
回复: terrible day第三天我给她打过电话的...
回复: terrible day第三天不要忘了不定冠词,你应该说:Today is "a" terrible day.点击展开...THANK YOU...
回复: terrible day第三天你是不是坐52路? 如果是的话,那不丢人,我3年前来Halifax的时候坐过它, 从mumford TERMINAL 到 BRIDGE TERMINA, 同样是不知道所以然,很久后才知道有TMD 两个52路,一个去burnside,一个去bayer's lake,真是很操蛋! 现在想想还觉得中国的公交是天堂啊.另外下次记住上车后要transfer,这样你就不一定每次上下车都要重新买票了. 还有,BUS 的图其实说的很明白,但你要读懂才好.而且注意他们这里下车的站不一定都在SCHEDULE上,主要是为了方便乘客就近下车,这也是你看到有个绳子的原因.点击展开...哦哦 谢谢 我记住了 这几天上课的时候没有做错车...真是晕...
回复: terrible day第三天There is so much mistake that we made when talking even among locals.点击展开...So much mistake 还是 so many mistakes?哈哈,其实我特别希望我说英语的时候别人能给我指出错误,不然靠自己悟的话不一定要悟多久呢!被人说过的地方会很容易记住。
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 T&W稀里糊涂 0$(VIP 0) 2,3772011-02-01#14 回复: terrible day第三天做错公交车太正常啦,谈不上terrible,就当是来这边的必修课好了,恭喜你通过了!另外,有个房东能带你买东西教你认路,你已经很幸福很幸福很幸福了。
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new lifeSo much mistake 还是 so many mistakes?哈哈,其实我特别希望我说英语的时候别人能给我指出错误,不然靠自己悟的话不一定要悟多久呢!被人说过的地方会很容易记住。点击展开... it sounds good, but frankly say, I haven't seen any immigrant from China who can speak English as a real Canadian. ,accent, grammer, not good at expressing complicated meaning,etc.
回复: terrible day第三天晕,太过注重细节了。点击展开... 我觉得两人说的都对。学英语要注意细节。 用英语时重在沟通!象这个帖子的情况往两边都可解释!
回复: terrible day第三天做错公交车太正常啦,谈不上terrible,就当是来这边的必修课好了,恭喜你通过了!另外,有个房东能带你买东西教你认路,你已经很幸福很幸福很幸福了。点击展开...其实我就是路痴... 同一条路走很多遍都记不住的 这个已经算是超水平发挥了...
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