加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIA
hello,everybody, i am living in NOVA SCOTIA more than one year now,i love this province,beautiful and air-fresh,but till now,i still have not any friends here,i want to make any nice friends from NOVA SCOTIA,if you are interested in making friends with me,welcome to contact with me here,no matter male or female,welcome welcome and much welcome!!!!!
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIA不应该更多的介绍一下自己么?呵呵。。。这里的朋友都很热情的。另外,欢迎你可以去halifax的教会啊,你会认识很多很多的朋友的!:)
凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。―― 马太福音11:28神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生 ―― 约翰福音3:16 超赞 赏 L luyu503 0$(VIP 0) 2022011-04-19#3 回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIAi am not in Halifax,i am in Port Hawkesbury,it's about three hours driving from Halifax from here,no matter where you are all welcome.port hawkesbury is a small town in Cape Berton, another small island in Nova Scotia,few chinese here,that's why i want to make friends from all over the Nova Scotia,thanks!!!
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIAi am not in Halifax,i am in Port Hawkesbury,it's about three hours driving from Halifax from here,no matter where you are all welcome.port hawkesbury is a small town in Cape Berton, another small island in Nova Scotia,few chinese here,that's why i want to make friends from all over the Nova Scotia,thanks!!!点击展开... 去帝王楼吃饭吧,老板夫妇在那里10年了,从halifax 过去的,人非常好。他们认识很多西人朋友,有以前造纸厂的, 政府的, 学校的, 或许帮你介绍认识。小镇生活人人都友善。你在那里做什么工作呢?
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIA不应该更多的介绍一下自己么?呵呵。。。这里的朋友都很热情的。另外,欢迎你可以去halifax的教会啊,你会认识很多很多的朋友的!:)点击展开...哪儿的教会啊,给下地址咯。
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIA哪儿的教会啊,给下地址咯。点击展开...halifax的啊~958 Barrington StreetHalifax, NS B3H 2P热烈欢迎你来啊!!!另外我们周五晚上7点半就在教会有家庭团契,在一起查经聊天,也欢迎你来哦!!:)
凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。―― 马太福音11:28神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生 ―― 约翰福音3:16 超赞 赏 L luyu503 0$(VIP 0) 2022011-04-20#7 回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIAthanks everybody,i know china king,but i seldom to have dinner there,i am working in the mall,welcome to visit me here.
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIAhalifax的啊~958 Barrington StreetHalifax, NS B3H 2P热烈欢迎你来啊!!!另外我们周五晚上7点半就在教会有家庭团契,在一起查经聊天,也欢迎你来哦!!:)点击展开...谢谢mm,有机会一定去看看。我路过quinpool时 看到路边有个大教堂上面有亚洲人面孔的照片,还以为那个是中国人教堂呢。
回复: hello,everybody,i want to make friends from NOVA SCOTIA谢谢mm,有机会一定去看看。我路过quinpool时 看到路边有个大教堂上面有亚洲人面孔的照片,还以为那个是中国人教堂呢。点击展开...那里好像确实也有一个,叫west end,是华人教会但据说里面貌似讲粤语的多一些。我去的教会讲普通话的居多。所以我喜欢去barrington的那家,嘿嘿。。。周五晚上是7点半查经星期天上午是11点开始崇拜欢迎姐姐来看看!!:)
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