加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息买电器的注意了,省里还要收环境费呢
我在futureshop买了个32寸的电视,得知30英寸以上的省里要收40加元,而且这40加元还要收15%的HST。下面是检索到的信息: Nova Scotia Environmental Fees The Province of Nova Scotia has passed legislation establishing a funding system for the collection and recycling of designated electronic products. The legislation requires manufacturers such as Dell Canada Inc. ("Dell") to collect a Provincial Environmental Fee for certain electronic devices sold into the Province of Nova Scotia.Under the current law and regulations, the following Dell branded & third party products sold into Nova Scotia will be subject to a Provincial Environmental Fee: The Fees associated with the legislation are as follows: Television (18" and smaller) $11.50Television (19" - 29") $11.50Television (30" - 45") $40.00Television (46" and larger) $40.00Desktop/server computers (CPU. keyboard, mouse, cable, & speakers) $10.50Printers/printer combos $6.50Laptops/electronic notebooks $2.10Computer monitors (LCD & CRT) $11.50Unbundled Mouse $0.90Unbundled Keyboard $0.90Personal/Portable Audio/Video Systems $0.40Home Audio/Video Systems $3.50Home Theatre in a Box (HTB) Systems $6.00Vehicle Audio/Video Systems $2.75Non-Cellular Telephones $0.85
回复: 买电器的注意了,省里还要收环境费呢感觉这个环境费应该是生产厂家出,谁生产,谁污染,谁治理。或至少是消费者和生产者各支付一半。等我买新的了,把旧的还给你厂家,你厂家把我当初交的环境费退给我,而不是交给省里,这样才会避免随意丢弃。否则省里光收钱了,具体怎么用了也不清楚。购买者因为交了环境费,就可以随意丢弃了,环境没有得到保护。
回复: 买电器的注意了,省里还要收环境费呢越穷的省,收费越高,请看: http://www1.ca.dell.com/content/topics/reftopic.aspx/gen/en/alberta_edr?c=ca&l=en
回复: 买电器的注意了,省里还要收环境费呢以前是买的时候不交, 丢的时候交费。觉得现在的做法要好一些。 旧的电器要送到指定的回收地点。 一般在 回收酒瓶的回收站都设有大箱子, 可以放进去。旧电器不可以随垃圾放在路边, 不收的。小件电器最好也集中起来送去回收, 而不要轻易的丢尽垃圾袋。
回复: 买电器的注意了,省里还要收环境费呢笔记本电脑好像收费少点 ?
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