加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?


夹着别人的帖子问了几次钓鱼的问题,都木人搭理。特别提出来吼一声,哪儿好钓鱼呢? 馋死新鲜鱼了,同学们指点指点.

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?首先,海水钓还是淡水钓,海水免费,淡水要买鱼证,25刀左右。China Town饭店门口就可以海钓马鲛鱼。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?首先,海水钓还是淡水钓,海水免费,淡水要买鱼证,25刀左右。China Town饭店门口就可以海钓马鲛鱼。点击展开...谢谢!我是钓鱼菜鸟,从没试过海钓,海钓跟淡水在器材上差别大吗?鱼证早就买了,五月份去城里的long lake钓了一条小小鱼,然后就一无所获。那个时候只想在近的地方钓,现在天气好了,不介意跑远一点,有没有什么河比较有名的?

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?给一楼加声望了。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?我不懂钓鱼也不很清楚哪里能钓鱼。不过我可以找懂的人回答这个问题,别着急啊。。。。。。快~~来~~人~~哪~~~~~~!!!

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 俸禄xz酒要少吃 事要多知 0$(VIP 0) 4,1632011-06-12#6 回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?海边码头是个钓鱼的好地方,可以钓mackerel、horse mackerel、herring、cod、garfish、flounder等等。海里钓鱼需要较硬的鱼竿和较粗的线,用sabiki、各种lure、bobber、沉底都可以。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 反馈:香瓜瓜 D DCBA 0$(VIP 0) 1582011-06-12#7 回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?有鱼证的话,听说albro lake和grand lake有不少种类鱼的,#102,8号出口有shad,不知道现在时间是不是过了,去买个shad darts。海钓的竿子和线选大号点的就可以,海钓比较简单,容易上鱼。鱼证上对各种鱼每天保留的条数和大小都有不同限制。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?我不懂钓鱼也不很清楚哪里能钓鱼。不过我可以找懂的人回答这个问题,别着急啊。。。。。。 快~~来~~人~~哪~~~~~~!!!点击展开... 响应号召 在我们这个省,有很多鱼种,而且在每年的9月份,在downtown waterfront 靠近赌场的一个码头还举钓鱼比赛,当然不是一般站在码头钓鱼,而是一些人开着专业的船只出外海去掉, 然后回到码头称重,看谁掉回来的鱼大。 我曾经亲眼看到过一个重达400多磅金枪鱼,要小型起重机帮忙才把鱼卸到岸上的鱼。 以上只是看看流一下口水而已,此文是献给绝大多数像我这样的一般的垂钓者。 闲话少说切入正题. 1. where to get gear: Canaidan tire 2. Do I need lisence for fishing? For see fishing No,For fresh water fishing yes. you can get the lisence from canadian tire or Marintime center 9th floor. 3. Do I need to release the fish? There are some bag and size limitation for the fresh water fishing. please refer to :http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/sportfishing/angling/2011angregs.shtml Actually, you can get this book when you buy the liscence. For salt water fishing, I usally releas the small fish. 4. Fish found near shore.Most of us don't have boat for deep sea fishing, if you really want to do that, you can go to PEI in August where you rent a boat with a tutor, that will be fun. (sorry about wrong spelling, Please refer to the pronouncation) I found around 10 kind of fish near shore they are : 1.Macroseasonal fish start from middle of June to the end of October. Good and healthy eating. I say it healty beacuase they are seasonal which means they swim to the diffrent places in the diffrent time and won't accumulate the pollute waste in the body.How to catch-- Fly fishing. use colorful fur for any fake bate like worm and fish. (you can get it from canadian tire)Spots-- a. wharf near sobbys at the end of the bedford basin. b. wharf at Point Plesant Park(currently closed). c. wharf at water front down town halifax close to N.S Power heardquarter. d. wharf at foxpoint St. Margarets bay. e china town

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?多谢相应号召,希望还有续集哈响应号召 在我们这个省,有很多鱼种,而且在每年的9月份,在downtown waterfront 靠近赌场的一个码头还举钓鱼比赛,当然不是一般站在码头钓鱼,而是一些人开着专业的船只出外海去掉, 然后回到码头称重,看谁掉回来的鱼大。 我曾经亲眼看到过一个重达400多磅金枪鱼,要小型起重机帮忙才把鱼卸到岸上的鱼。 以上只是看看流一下口水而已,此文是献给绝大多数像我这样的一般的垂钓者。 闲话少说切入正题. 1. where to get gear: Canaidan tire 2. Do I need lisence for fishing? For see fishing No,For fresh water fishing yes. you can get the lisence from canadian tire or Marintime center 9th floor. 3. Do I need to release the fish? There are some bag and size limitation for the fresh water fishing. please refer to :http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/sportfishing/angling/2011angregs.shtml Actually, you can get this book when you buy the liscence. For salt water fishing, I usally releas the small fish. 4. Fish found near shore.Most of us don't have boat for deep sea fishing, if you really want to do that, you can go to PEI in August where you rent a boat with a tutor, that will be fun. (sorry about wrong spelling, Please refer to the pronouncation) I found around 10 kind of fish near shore they are : 1.Macroseasonal fish start from middle of June to the end of October. Good and healthy eating. I say it healty beacuase they are seasonal which means they swim to the diffrent places in the diffrent time and won't accumulate the pollute waste in the body.How to catch-- Fly fishing. use colorful fur for any fake bate like worm and fish. (you can get it from canadian tire)Spots-- a. wharf near sobbys at the end of the bedford basin.b. wharf at Point Plesant Park(currently closed). c. wharf at water front down town halifax close to N.S Power heardquarter. d. wharf at foxpoint St. Margarets bay. e china town点击展开...

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life海边码头是个钓鱼的好地方,可以钓mackerel、horse mackerel、herring、cod、garfish、flounder等等。海里钓鱼需要较硬的鱼竿和较粗的线,用sabiki、各种lure、bobber、沉底都可以。点击展开...哇。。。专业,崇拜。。。。。要是真能钓上COD就好啦~~那我也去!!!! 不过我们一家都是钓鱼菜鸟啊。。。

凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。―― 马太福音11:28神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生 ―― 约翰福音3:16我不懂钓鱼也不很清楚哪里能钓鱼。不过我可以找懂的人回答这个问题,别着急啊。。。。。。快~~来~~人~~哪~~~~~~!!!点击展开...别左顾右盼,浪费嗓门儿了,就把你家那徒手抓鱼,飞叉抓鱼的地儿悄悄儿的告诉我就行了, 嘿嘿。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?海边码头是个钓鱼的好地方,可以钓mackerel、horse mackerel、herring、cod、garfish、flounder等等。海里钓鱼需要较硬的鱼竿和较粗的线,用sabiki、各种lure、bobber、沉底都可以。点击展开...好啊, 谢谢!

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?有鱼证的话,听说albro lake和grand lake有不少种类鱼的,#102,8号出口有shad,不知道现在时间是不是过了,去买个shad darts。海钓的竿子和线选大号点的就可以,海钓比较简单,容易上鱼。鱼证上对各种鱼每天保留的条数和大小都有不同限制。点击展开...原来海钓更简单啊?我家有老有小的,想着去个湖啊河的什么容易一些, 看来得试试海了。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?响应号召 在我们这个省,有很多鱼种,而且在每年的9月份,在downtown waterfront 靠近赌场的一个码头还举钓鱼比赛,当然不是一般站在码头钓鱼,而是一些人开着专业的船只出外海去掉, 然后回到码头称重,看谁掉回来的鱼大。 我曾经亲眼看到过一个重达400多磅金枪鱼,要小型起重机帮忙才把鱼卸到岸上的鱼。 以上只是看看流一下口水而已,此文是献给绝大多数像我这样的一般的垂钓者。 闲话少说切入正题. 1. where to get gear: Canaidan tire 2. Do I need lisence for fishing? For see fishing No,For fresh water fishing yes. you can get the lisence from canadian tire or Marintime center 9th floor. 3. Do I need to release the fish? There are some bag and size limitation for the fresh water fishing. please refer to :http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/sportfishing/angling/2011angregs.shtml Actually, you can get this book when you buy the liscence. For salt water fishing, I usally releas the small fish. 4. Fish found near shore.Most of us don't have boat for deep sea fishing, if you really want to do that, you can go to PEI in August where you rent a boat with a tutor, that will be fun. (sorry about wrong spelling, Please refer to the pronouncation) I found around 10 kind of fish near shore they are : 1.Macroseasonal fish start from middle of June to the end of October. Good and healthy eating. I say it healty beacuase they are seasonal which means they swim to the diffrent places in the diffrent time and won't accumulate the pollute waste in the body.How to catch-- Fly fishing. use colorful fur for any fake bate like worm and fish. (you can get it from canadian tire)Spots-- a. wharf near sobbys at the end of the bedford basin.b. wharf at Point Plesant Park(currently closed). c. wharf at water front down town halifax close to N.S Power heardquarter. d. wharf at foxpoint St. Margarets bay. e china town点击展开...太棒了,摩拳擦掌ing。。。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?给楼上响应的同学都加声望了。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?2 Polik. 我不太会拼写,但是基本就是这个发音。 这种鱼也是近海鱼, 而且是这里最一般的鱼种。 老外一般都是掉上来就扔回去,其实这种鱼是很好吃的,没有太多的刺,而且像黄花鱼一样的蒜瓣肉。可以先用腌制以后再油炸。味道很好。 钓法:可以用假诱饵飞掉,也可以用真诱饵垂钓。 地点: 最好是在码头。 水比较深的地方。 3. 海鲈鱼。(gray perch)这种鱼是一种常年在近海海底游弋的鱼种,有肉鲜美,清蒸很像鲈鱼的味道。掉法:用真饵沉底垂钓。 或者我也见过就用一个尾部有个锡铁球较大的鱼钩直接上下的钩鱼。具体的方法是,不用甩杆,直接将钩垂直缓慢沉底,然受猛然向上拽出. 这种方法,往往能够钩到鱼的身体,将其捕获。地点:这种鱼喜欢,水流平静,营养丰富的地方,比若码头。 downtwon 的码头是比较理想的场所。

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?赞2 Polik. 我不太会拼写,但是基本就是这个发音。 这种鱼也是近海鱼, 而且是这里最一般的鱼种。 老外一般都是掉上来就扔回去,其实这种鱼是很好吃的,没有太多的刺,而且像黄花鱼一样的蒜瓣肉。可以先用腌制以后再油炸。味道很好。 钓法:可以用假诱饵飞掉,也可以用真诱饵垂钓。 地点: 最好是在码头。 水比较深的地方。 3. 海鲈鱼。(gray perch)这种鱼是一种常年在近海海底游弋的鱼种,有肉鲜美,清蒸很像鲈鱼的味道。掉法:用真饵沉底垂钓。 或者我也见过就用一个尾部有个锡铁球较大的鱼钩直接上下的钩鱼。具体的方法是,不用甩杆,直接将钩垂直缓慢沉底,然受猛然向上拽出. 这种方法,往往能够钩到鱼的身体,将其捕获。地点:这种鱼喜欢,水流平静,营养丰富的地方,比若码头。 downtwon 的码头是比较理想的场所。点击展开...

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 C cx129129 0$(VIP 0) 2902011-07-08#18 回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?请问各位大佬:有能打猎的地方吗?

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?请问各位大佬:有能打猎的地方吗?点击展开...有啊! 不过要等到秋天, 先要抽签选猎区

回复: 再吼一声,哪儿钓鱼?顶

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