加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于小孩上中学,请教



回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教下个月还上六年级, 九月份上七年纪. 入学很简单, 提供能证明地址的文件(一般是租房合同)就行. 不太清楚哪所学校好.

回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教谢谢楼上的,主要是想了解下那所中学比较好,然后在附近租房子。另外,现在房租情况如何?一室一厅大约什么价位?

回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教我来Halifax之前,朋友是这么介绍这里的高中,我贴上来,仅供参考:Halifax Grammar School. See:http://www.hgs.ns.ca/en/home/default.aspxBut it's expensive. This is the most academic school in the city.But there are other private schools, like the Sacred Heart, see:http://www.sacredheartschool.ns.ca/This is also very good, especially for personality development.There are of course also good public high schools, and you have to choose the one based on where you live. If you live on the Halifax peninsula, you can manage without a car and it's more convenient (but rents are a bit higher), and the high school is the new Citadel High School. This is completely modern and well equipped. Of course, it accepts all children, so is socially and academically mixed. But the academic kids go to academic classes, so they are streamed to be with other kids who are similar. See: http://www.chs.ednet.ns.ca/Another good school is Halifax West, if you live in the Clayton Park area. See:http://www.hwhs.ednet.ns.ca/It's very good but you will need a car to live there. Buses run of course but are not so convenient.I do not recommend to live in Spryfield or to try to find a school there.You already know that Canada is a highly immigrant multiracial country, so there are many people from China. But Nova Scotia is more traditional and not as diverse as most parts of Canada. There are some French speakers, but all people speak English. There will be Chinese students at school but not as many as in Toronto or especially Vancouver.

回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教七年级应该是初中.我来Halifax之前,朋友是这么介绍这里的高中,我贴上来,仅供参考:Halifax Grammar School. See:http://www.hgs.ns.ca/en/home/default.aspxBut it's expensive. This is the most academic school in the city.But there are other private schools, like the Sacred Heart, see:http://www.sacredheartschool.ns.ca/This is also very good, especially for personality development.There are of course also good public high schools, and you have to choose the one based on where you live. If you live on the Halifax peninsula, you can manage without a car and it's more convenient (but rents are a bit higher), and the high school is the new Citadel High School. This is completely modern and well equipped. Of course, it accepts all children, so is socially and academically mixed. But the academic kids go to academic classes, so they are streamed to be with other kids who are similar. See: http://www.chs.ednet.ns.ca/Another good school is Halifax West, if you live in the Clayton Park area. See:http://www.hwhs.ednet.ns.ca/It's very good but you will need a car to live there. Buses run of course but are not so convenient.I do not recommend to live in Spryfield or to try to find a school there.You already know that Canada is a highly immigrant multiracial country, so there are many people from China. But Nova Scotia is more traditional and not as diverse as most parts of Canada. There are some French speakers, but all people speak English. There will be Chinese students at school but not as many as in Toronto or especially Vancouver.点击展开...

回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教七年级应该是初中.点击展开...大多数high school包括初中

回复: 关于小孩上中学,请教大多数high school包括初中点击展开...halifax 的学校分为小学 K-6 , 初中 7-9, 高中10-12 学校的分区是以高中来分,比如小学,中学以后要去的高中,叫family school. Clayton Park west 就是 halifax west 的family school

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