加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12


家里孩子如果喜欢艺术的都可以参加下。作为北美历史最悠久的艺术学校之一,NSCAD知名度还是很高的。曾经听里面一个学生说,课程繁重到令人发指啊!NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12Oh yeah, this is going to be fun! Plans are shaping up for Artist for a Day, an inaugural event organized by the NSCAD Alumni Association. The idea is to blow open the doors of NSCAD University and show off what goes on at the university by bringing it all outside. Artist for a Day takes place Saturday, May 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sands at Salter, near Bishop’s Landing on the Halifax Waterfront.“The idea is to get a sense of everything that goes on at the art college by giving it a try yourself,” says Linda Hutchison, director of NSCAD’s 125th celebrations. Some of the activities planned for Artist for a Day include: -Steamroller printing with NSCAD professors Mark Bovey, Ericka Walker and students;-Going on a virtual tour of NSCAD highpoints led by NSCAD professors David Clark and Leola LeBlanc;-Sculpture making on demand by NSCAD ceramicist Doug Bamford;-Linocut printing with NSCAD alumni Chris Joyce and Suzanne Saul of Attica;-Adding to a giant canvas in a project led by NSCAD graduating student Hangama Atiquillo or a swoosh of colour to a spray-painted masterpiece started by NSCAD student Teto Elsiddique.And those are just a few examples of what’s in store. NSCAD-students-for-the-day can sit down at a loom to try their hand at weaving or at a potter’s wheel to feel the wet clay beneath their fingers. They can pose as a model for a life drawing class or get behind the easel themselves. Junior artists will want to check out the green screen, where an adventure is sure to await. And everyone will want to keep tabs on the progress of the NSCAD bucket brigade which will be moving Halifax Harbor a little bit over, one bucketful of water at a time, in a performance art piece envisioned by NSCAD instructor Michael Fernandes.The city will be hopping. May 12 also marks Open City by I Love Local (HFX) and the Second Annual Wayzgoose, a chance for the public to experience letterpress printing, at the Dawson Print Shop at NSCAD’s Granville campus.“Bring your kids, bring your cousins,” says Peter Wünsch, president of NSCAD’s Alumni Association, and partner/creative director of Breakhouse Inc. “Come and see what NSCAD is all about.” Free parking will be available on site.For listings: Artist for a Day, a NSCAD 125th anniversary event. Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sands at Salter, near Bishop’s Landing on the Halifax waterfront. Free admission, free parking.For photo/video opportunity: NSCAD student Teto Elsiddiqu and kid artists will be giving a sneak peek of their spray-painted masterpiece in development on Tuesday, May 8, 3 to 4 p.m. on Granville Mall (outside of the Anna Leonowens Gallery). For more info or to arrange interviews, please contact: Marilyn Smulders, 494-8248, [email protected]

回复: 本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12Halifax热闹的夏天就要来了,让大家一起来Happy!

回复: 本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12昨天天气好,但风很大,与朋友一家一起去转悠了一圈。总体来看,是培养孩子们对艺术的兴趣的一个小型展示。

回复: 本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12场景

回复: 本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12有趣的木版画,纪念NSCAD125周年的作品。压路机开过的时候,我真的有点担心这一排学生的手指。

回复: 本周末的NSCAD’s Artist for a Day on May 12成品!

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