加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息NS Natural Resources Open House


Open House June 1 and 2 in Shubenacadie will attract thousandsAll Nova Scotians are invited to a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) open house, June 1 and 2, (Saturday & Sunday) at Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park in Shubenacadie, Hants County. The event will run from 10am-4pm both days.Come and enjoy activities and displays for the whole family; lots to see and hands-on things to do. Admission is free. The grounds and buildings will be alive with exhibits and staff experts. People who like hunting, fishing, wilderness hiking, camping, and off-highway vehicles will have plenty to see and do. So will people curious about minerals, fossils, animals, and the diversity of living things in nature. You can also learn about insects, wildfire fighting, forests and woodlots, map making and more.You'll learn about Nova Scotia's natural resources and progress being made on the province's natural resources strategy that's in place to help manage and develop those resources in a sustainable way. You will also learn about the core services DNR provides.It's also a great way to explore career options in the natural resources sector by learning about the many professions within DNR.Open house visitors can purchase food on-site for reasonable cost.On Friday, May 31st, hundreds of local elementary school children will be bussed to the open house site to enjoy the day. The children will visit display stations about many things such as: wetlands and aquatic wildlife, conservation enforcement, Boston Christmas tree, gold panning, mineral identification and uses, water protection, forest protection from wildfires and insect pests. They can have fun climbing into a helicopter, exploring hunting and trapping, jumping on a fire truck, and seeing how fire pumps work when extinguishing wildfires. They will learn about careers in natural resources, survey technology, and native flora and fauna of Nova Scotia. They can even climb a fire tower!The official opening will be at noon Saturday, June 1st. Click http://novascotia.ca/natr/openhouse/ for updates on this exciting weekend.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 gzshywen 0$(VIP 0) 2322013-05-31#2 回复: NS Natural Resources Open House这么好的机会,却赶不上,太遗憾了

回复: NS Natural Resources Open House这么好的机会,却赶不上,太遗憾了点击展开...这是要出发了吗?

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 俸禄xz酒要少吃 事要多知 0$(VIP 0) 4,1632013-05-31#4 回复: NS Natural Resources Open House这两天也是本省的free fishing weekend。


回复: NS Natural Resources Open House问候俸禄,家里都好吧?

只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617问候俸禄,家里都好吧?点击展开...都好都好!谢谢!你一家也都好吧?问候啦!



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