加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288


Executive Family Custom Victorian Style home on quite private lot in Ole Bedford very close walking distance to Bedford Place Mall, Bedford Super Store, Petes Froutique, Sun Towers, Sunnyside Restaurants and off ramps for Halifax, Sackville, and Truro. Large paved drive, 1 car garage, private rear yard with high bank of trees for shelter and comfort, front veranda highlights this house with ample space for hanging baskets, evening or daytime lounging, ample amount of landscaping flowers and shrubs, freshly painted throughout, spacious kitchen with gen air cooking island and wall oven, double doors side by side refrigerator, solid Ash cabinets, large family bath second floor, half bath first floor, and full bath soak tub shower stall double wide vanity walk in closet ensuite for master bedroom. Formal dining room seats 8 people, breakfast table seats 4-6 aside kitchen in bay window, front office / den / possible 4th bedroom main floor just inside front foyer, comfy living / family room with large windows viewing front of property, elegant trim works main staircase lower and upper foyers, Boston headers throughout, crown mouldings in hallways and first floor except kitchen area boasting a large pantry and space for the entire family. Basement has home office and home salon for teeth whitening ( basement measurements approx. 24'-24' no windows ) Main building measurements approx 36' x 26' plus garage porch and veranda. Price $399,900 including a BRAND NEW ASPHALT shingled roof ( you pick the colors ) and ( Vinyl Shutters reinstalled and painted you pick the colors ) NOTE all measurements to be verified by purchaser. We have enjoyed our home very much and make it available for you. for many more photos go tohttps://www.facebook.com/jim.peppar...26479732033.1073741862.100003540511849&type=1

回复: Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288好漂亮哦~~~~~没钱的人只能帮顶啦,嘻嘻。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。―― 马太福音11:28神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生 ―― 约翰福音3:16 超赞 赏 A almax 0$(VIP 0) 442013-08-28#3 回复: Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288Thanks anyway.

回复: Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288good one

回复: Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288房子不错,这个价位在halifax是什么水平?中等?

回复: Executive Bedford Home For Sale. $399,900. Call or text 401-8288房子不错,这个价位在halifax是什么水平?中等?

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