加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息NS省申请 daycare subsidy有居住要求?
吴为 说:考虑定居哈里法克斯,家有小孩需要寄daycare,看了官网,没有提到在该省居住多长时间才能申请,有这方面要求?另外哈法的daycare位置紧张?谢谢分享信息的朋友,好人一生平安!点击展开...要满足以下三个条件,才符合资格,缺一不可:1. Income Line 236 of your CRA Income Tax Notice of Assessment is used to calculate income. If you do not have a recent Notice of Assessment, current paystubs may be used. Gross income minus some deductions will be considered income. If you have additional sources of income, they must also be reported and will be considered in the calculations.2. Finances To be eligible for the program, you may not have more than $50,000 in savings or liquid assets.3. Social Need You must be working, job searching, in school or have a special need within the family.https://www.ednet.ns.ca/earlyyears/families/childcaresubsidy.shtml
Life is simple, but not easy.要满足以下三个条件,才符合资格,缺一不可:1. Income Line 236 of your CRA Income Tax Notice of Assessment is used to calculate income. If you do not have a recent Notice of Assessment, current paystubs may be used. Gross income minus some deductions will be considered income. If you have additional sources of income, they must also be reported and will be considered in the calculations.2. Finances To be eligible for the program, you may not have more than $50,000 in savings or liquid assets.3. Social Need You must be working, job searching, in school or have a special need within the family.https://www.ednet.ns.ca/earlyyears/families/childcaresubsidy.shtml点击展开...谢谢
IloveHalifax 说:要满足以下三个条件,才符合资格,缺一不可:1. Income Line 236 of your CRA Income Tax Notice of Assessment is used to calculate income. If you do not have a recent Notice of Assessment, current paystubs may be used. Gross income minus some deductions will be considered income. If you have additional sources of income, they must also be reported and will be considered in the calculations.2. Finances To be eligible for the program, you may not have more than $50,000 in savings or liquid assets.3. Social Need You must be working, job searching, in school or have a special need within the family.https://www.ednet.ns.ca/earlyyears/families/childcaresubsidy.shtml点击展开...你这是申请补助的条件, 申请DAYCARE不需要条件。
Atlantic 说:你这是申请补助的条件, 申请DAYCARE不需要条件。点击展开...楼主标题是申请Daycare subsidy有没有居住要求。所以我提供的信息没错啊!
Life is simple, but not easy.楼主标题是申请Daycare subsidy有没有居住要求。所以我提供的信息没错啊!点击展开...对不起,没看标题。
Atlantic 说:你这是申请补助的条件, 申请DAYCARE不需要条件。点击展开...请问申请Daycare的条件有哪些?NS省daycare 的价格都多少?如果去那里的话,我家宝宝大约3岁了
名字不重要 说:请问申请Daycare的条件有哪些?NS省daycare 的价格都多少?如果去那里的话,我家宝宝大约3岁了点击展开...请问你也是打算去哈法吗?我目前也在了解,我看到daycare大概900一个月吧,可以申请补助,但是听说申请了会对以后其他申请有影响?比如父母团聚之类的
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