加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息吃喝玩乐 - Ford Fiesta 和 Focus的车主有希望得到部分赔偿。
如果曾有2011-2016 Fiesta 和2012-2016 Focus,即使已卖出仍有机会得到赔偿。“Current owners may be partially refunded what they paid for their vehicles, according to class-action lawyer Ted Charney, with compensation determined by how often they were forced to replace faulty clutches. People who leased may get a total refund on payments, minus usage.”“The settlement, which was approved earlier this month by an Ontario judge, covers the 2011-2016 Fiesta and the 2012-2016 Focus. It's estimated 160,000 of the cars were sold in Canada.”“The settlement also offers what Charney calls "modest relief" for people like Bonaparte who sold their vehicles rather continued to drive a car that didn't seem fixable.”“If they had three or more transmission hardware parts replacements, they may be eligible for $250 or a $500 Ford certificate. The amount increases as the number of replacements increases to a maximum of almost $3,000 or an almost $6,000 Ford discount.”CBC News 报道:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/ford-fiesta-focus-class-action-settlement-canada-1.5131270
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