加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Public Mobile deal


从今天开始直到21日东部时间半夜11:59, 新客户参加每30天35刀或以上服务的,每个月有10刀的Credit, 连续6个月。我的推荐码是7W4ZWE,或在以下的网站激活:https://activate.publicmobile.ca/?raf=7W4ZWEUntil November 21, get $10 off for the first 6 months when you activate on a $35/mo plan or moreThis offer has been extended to Sunday November 24th, 2019 11:59PM EST. Hey Community, Effective immediately to November 21, 2019 at 11:59PM ET, new customers who activate online or in-store at participating retailers on a $35/mo plan or higher will receive $10 off for the first 6 months...productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:说不准, Aidemengdun, 沧水 和 6 其他人 6.78 天路行者 61$(VIP 0,#23) 3,0492019-11-15#2 30刀套餐是什么样的?考虑给小孩弄一个,谢谢

吴为 说:30刀套餐是什么样的?考虑给小孩弄一个,谢谢点击展开...30刀套餐只有流量,我现在用的是25刀,自动付款有2刀的Credit:PlansLooking for a ready-made plan that suits your needs. Your plan, your way, all on Canada’s largest mobile network.www.publicmobile.ca

Life is simple, but not easy.30刀套餐只有流量,我现在用的是25刀,自动付款有2刀的Credit:PlansLooking for a ready-made plan that suits your needs. Your plan, your way, all on Canada’s largest mobile network.www.publicmobile.ca点击展开...好的,谢谢!

comeback 说:看来又弄早了,怎么就赶不上趟呢? 点击展开...我还以为过年之后才有的。我就是今年2月份有这个10刀Credit 才换的。

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:comeback 0.34 哈法 387$(VIP 0,#10) 29,7352019-11-25#7 黑五推广:由今天至到12月2日,凡是新客户参加每30天35刀的手机服务或以上者,将会得到一次性的5G 流量。BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Activate by December 2 and get a bonus 5 GB of data.点击下面激活:激活

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 哈法 387$(VIP 0,#10) 29,7352019-12-05#8 从12月4日到12月25日,现有的客户都可以得到免费的1GB 的数据和400 分钟的国际通话(包括加拿大和美国)。具体操作方法如下:How do I get my free 1GB of data and international calling?To add these add-ons to your account:1. Log into your Self-Serve account 2, Click “Purchase Add-Ons” in My Data & Add-ons section of Overview tab3. Select the Free Holiday Giveaway: $0 1GB Add-on and/or Free Holiday Giveaway: $0 400min INTL Long Distance (incl CA & US). It’s up to you if you want one or both!4. Click “Buy Add-Ons” at the bottom of your screen.Free Gifts for All During our More is Merrier CampaignDue to the overwhelming enthusiasm that you all have shown for this give away, we are currently experiencing higher levels of traffic to our self serve portal. Because of this you may experience a long wait time for the page to load (it will come up as a blank screen). We recommend coming back...productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca

Life is simple, but not easy.从12月4日到12月25日,现有的客户都可以得到免费的1GB 的数据和400 分钟的国际通话(包括加拿大和美国)。点击展开...多谢分享,

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