加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息没有装雪胎出事故保险公司是否会拒赔?
安省的情况是,保险报价的时候问你是否冬天换雪胎. 根据你说的情况给报价。如果你说冬天换雪胎,但实际上保险公司发现你没换,估计会少陪或者涨保险什么的。是不是有些省强制要求冬天换 雪胎呀?这个我不知道
佩奇 说:安省的情况是,保险报价的时候问你是否冬天换雪胎. 根据你说的情况给报价。如果你说冬天换雪胎,但实际上保险公司发现你没换,估计会少陪或者涨保险什么的。是不是有些省强制要求冬天换 雪胎呀?这个我不知道点击展开...魁省是强制性的。“The use of winter tires is mandatory in Quebec from December 1 to March 15”“Nova Scotia permit studded tires between October 15 and May 31. The studs must not protrude more than 1/8th of an inch from the tread or traction surface of the tire. ”Are Winter Tires Compulsory in Canada?Canada enjoys a variety of seasons and in winter, depending on which province you reside in, the cold weather coupled with bountiful quantities of snow can turn your commute into a nightmare. While all-season tires can be used to navigate most weather/road conditions, they may not be adequate...www.savvynewcanadians.com
Life is simple, but not easy.如题,谢谢!点击展开...我建议最好是装4个雪胎,哈法的路是上坡和下坡的,尤其是遇到Slush时,是会打滑的。
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 vck123777 0$(VIP 0) 802020-01-04#5 谢谢各位!
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