加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息人在加拿大,想去哈法读西厨然后移


各位大哥,小姐姐,我现在人在加拿大, 今天收到NSCC的2年西厨录取,今年9月开学。想问问,1)是不是必须读2年毕业了才能申请移啊?2)毕业后找到了工作还需要工作,才能申请吗?3)申请了移民,多久能拿到枫叶卡呢?以上,跪谢各位了。

hileonbai 说:各位大哥,小姐姐,我现在人在加拿大, 今天收到NSCC的2年西厨录取,今年9月开学。想问问,1)是不是必须读2年毕业了才能申请移啊?2)毕业后找到了工作还需要工作,才能申请吗?3)申请了移民,多久能拿到枫叶卡呢?以上,跪谢各位了。点击展开...不是特别懂,但是知道:1,必需毕业2,需要工作(记得要有一定的位置,比如经理啥的,记错了别怪俺)3,不知道。看申请人多少,看政府工作人员多少。 去政府网站www.cic.gc.ca 信息全面。

火娃各位大哥,小姐姐,我现在人在加拿大, 今天收到NSCC的2年西厨录取,今年9月开学。想问问,1)是不是必须读2年毕业了才能申请移啊?2)毕业后找到了工作还需要工作,才能申请吗?3)申请了移民,多久能拿到枫叶卡呢?以上,跪谢各位了。点击展开...1)必须读2年毕业了,才能申请工作签证,工作签证的期限从8个月到3年,但不会超过你整个学习的时间,比如说大学4年,工作签证的期限是3年,你是读2年,你将来的工作签证的期限是一年。有了工作签证,你毕业后才能去工作;Eligibility criteriaYou have 180 days after you get your final marks to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP).To be eligible, your study permit must have been valid at some point during these 180 days.Don’t let your status expire while you wait for your marksIf your study permit will expire before you get your marks, you have 2 options. You canapply for a visitor record to stay in Canada longer, orleave Canada and apply for your PGWPIf you stay in Canada and let your permit expire, you must apply to restore your status as a student to apply for your PGWP. To restore your status, you must pay additional fees.You must also havecompleted a study programat a designated learning institutionthat was at least 8 months long andthat led to a degree, diploma or certificatemaintained full-timestatus as a student in Canada during each semester of your study programthis doesn’t include your final semester, which can be part-time, or if you took an approved leave from your studiesgraduated from 1 of the following:a public post-secondary school, such as a college, trade/technical school, university or CEGEP (in Quebec)a private post-secondary school (in Quebec) that operates under the same rules as public schools in Quebeca private secondary or post-secondary school (in Quebec) that offers qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer, that leads to a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP)a Canadian private school that can award degrees under provincial law (for example, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree), but only if you’re enrolled in a study program that leads to a degree as authorized by the province https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...rk/after-graduation/eligibility.html#criteria2)工作一年后,你才有资格申请移民。应该用哪种方式移民,参考NS政府的网站,下面有链接;3)要看你是哪种方式移民。我认识的一位女孩,哈法大学毕业后在哈法的欧洲一家基金公司工作,一年后仍然在这家公司工作,申请移民,需要达到最少460分(其中包括官方指定的经过考试通过后的语言成绩),然后等抽奖,她很幸运,6个月抽到,然后体检,无犯罪等,6个月后拿到枫叶卡。这是三年前的情况。这是NS政府的移民网站:https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 Ronggu 0$(VIP 0) 252020-07-05#5 不懂。但我觉得是个坑。

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