加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息器官捐献
NS政府有关器官捐献的立法在1月18日正式生效。根据政府官网的说明,在1月18日之后,如果不在政府的退出器官捐献的网站上填写退出器官捐献,或是在更换健康卡的表格上即不填写同意器官捐献也不填写不同意器官捐献者,一律默认为同意器官捐献。What the change meansWhen the change takes effect on 18 January 2021, people who don’t register to be a donor or opt out and are eligible will be seen as having consented to donating their organs and tissues after death. This is referred to as deemed consent.Changes to organ and tissue donationOne donor can save or improve the lives of over 80 people.novascotia.ca
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:bbjj, 之乎者也82, 徽州女人 和 7 其他人 0.65 哈法 387$(VIP 0,#10) 29,7352021-01-19#2 有关这个立法的报道说NS政府的这个器官捐献的立法:“Nova Scotia on Monday became the first jurisdiction in North America to implement a policy of presumed consent for organ donation.”As N.S. begins ‘presumed consent’ organ donation, advocates say Canada will be watching | Globalnews.caNova Scotia on Monday became the first jurisdiction in North America to implement a policy of presumed consent for organ donation.globalnews.ca
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 0706自定义头衔 17$(VIP 0,#66) 10,1782021-01-19#3 咋现在才生效呢?我记得好多年前注册医疗服务的时候,就要填写愿意捐献否。是各地不同步的吗?
0706 说:咋现在才生效呢?我记得好多年前注册医疗服务的时候,就要填写愿意捐献否。是各地不同步的吗?点击展开...这次是变成了默许。这个日后会有大官司打的。政府弄不好就会赔大钱。
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