加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息renew各位的枫叶卡 & certified true copies & notary public


1, 请问大家在renew各位的枫叶卡的时候,IRCC需要提供以下的复印件。-valid new passport of China (front page) - Canada permanent resident card -old expired passport of China I had, I held at the time I became a permanent resident (front page) -if applicable, passport page that was stamped, when I arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident 2, 在IRCC的官网上,要求所提供的复印件都要是‘certified true copies’请问各位在renew PR Card的时候,是否有在Canada当地就上述的这些文件联系过notary public呢?一般具体收费多少?3, ‘certified true copies’具体的要求见下面Certified true copies​To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print all of the following on the photocopy: “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document” the name of the original document the date of the certification their name their official position or title their signature Who can certify copies?​Only authorized people can certify copies. Important information: Certifying of copies must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by an applicant’s parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or first cousin. People authorized to certify copies include the following: In Canada: a notary public a commissioner of oaths a commissioner of taking affidavits Authority to certify varies by province and territory. Check with your local provincial or territorial authorities to learn who has the authority to certify. Outside Canada: a notary public Authority to certify international documents varies by country. Check with your local authorities to learn who has the authority to certify in your country.

仔细读官方网站的最新instruction, 一般情况没有文件需要翻译。刚拿到renew的卡,没做任何翻译。


redfire 说:中国方面的出入境盖章呢?!!!!点击展开...二楼说的已经很清楚了。去官网www.canada.ca,要求提供的就做,没要求的就不需要做。看仔细了,譬如新旧护照只要提供其中之一。看不懂的,原文copy过来,一定有人回答。

我坚信美中贸易谈判一定会达成协议,因为全人类共同体的伟大使命迫使我们忍辱负重披荆斩棘砥砺前行。一切的宣传都是烟雾弹,但绝不是为了迷惑墙外的敌人。“吃饭砸锅“论是典型的奴才心理!蠢比坏危害更大。许章润:这世间,总要有人出来讲理! 超赞 赏 H HalifaxNN 0$(VIP 0) 1632021-11-20#5 出入境章要的。

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