加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息??★??“爱城单身俱乐部”活动通知??★??


??★??★??“爱城单身俱乐部”活动通知??★??★??“爱城单身俱乐部”活动通知 (主持人:Lucy) 请参见: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog.php?blogID=3818Dear friends, Let us meet again at Dream Tea House this coming Saturday Evening, April 23, 2005. We will have some bubble tea and chat. Who: Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome When: 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm on April 23, 2005 Where: Dream Tea House, 7912 104 Street Northwest, Tel: (780) 988-7878, just across Buddy restaurant, nearby Canadian-Chinese Supermarket and Sam Wok. Please sign up for this event and indicate your gender by replying me to this email address. Should you have any questions, email me at [email protected] or call me at 429-0688. You may bring some jokes or quotes. Let¡¯s have fun. I may provide to ladies who live nearby the university area or downtown. Rules in this singles club 1.You got to be a single, if not, please report to the host(Lucy) and the information will be announced. 2.Please stay at the club at lease half an hour and introduce yourself to other people and let other people know you. Drop in and leave in less than five minutes is not considered well-mannered in this club. 3.[color=Purple]Purchase some drink or anything from the menu because we use their place unless you are allergic to all the food listed. 4.Show up neat and tidy, use decent language. 5.You may advertise for this club by word-of-mouth, and we welcome new faces. 6.Supportive and encouraging comments on this club are welcome; please keep destructive or negative comments to yourself. 7.It is a non-profit non-registered club hosted by a volunteer host; it is a place for people to make friends, have fun, share information, and create opportunities for people to know each other. Cheers, Lucy Miao

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