加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问P.O.P代表什么?
看了EDMONTON JOURNAL的天气预报,发现内容非常详细,包括一天上午、下午、晚上的天气情况,有气温、气压、湿度等资料。想请教一个问题,预报中P.O.P是什么含义?谢谢。Short Term Forecast TOMORROW MORNING: Variable cloudiness 13°C 15 km/h 20% TOMORROW AFTERNOON: Variable cloudiness 20°C 20 km/h 30% TOMORROW EVENING: Mainly clear 16°C 15 km/h 0% Long Term Forecast 21°C6°C10% 23°C8°C10% 25°C10°C10% 27°C13°C10%
lamjin 说:降水概率。点击展开...那么,P.O.P应该是probability of 什么呢?最后一个单词猜不出,还望指教,谢谢。
qing shihuang 说:precipitation点击展开... 谢谢!
P.O.P. stands for "Probability of Precipitation." It does not predict when, where or how much precipitation will occur. When a weather service issues a forecast calling for rain, it is usually followed by a probability.For example: "P.O.P. 60%." This expression means there is a 60% chance that any random place in the forecast area, such as your home, will receive measurable rainfall. Measurable rainfall means at least 0.2 mm of rain or the water equivalent of snow.
以上内容不代表本人立场P.O.P. stands for "Probability of Precipitation." It does not predict when, where or how much precipitation will occur. When a weather service issues a forecast calling for rain, it is usually followed by a probability. For example: "P.O.P. 60%." This expression means there is a 60% chance that any random place in the forecast area, such as your home, will receive measurable rainfall. Measurable rainfall means at least 0.2 mm of rain or the water equivalent of snow.点击展开...Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. The weather forecast should be very precise in Edmonton.
thank u!
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