加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息爱城上月失业率猛增
Alberta jobless rise despite growth (9:50 a.m.) Published: Friday, September 08, 2006 Alberta’s jobless rate took a jump last month even though the province continues to lead the nation in job creation, Statistics Canada reported today.The province’s unemployment rate rose to 4.2 per cent in August from 3.6 per cent in July but still remains among the lowest jobless levels in the country.Edmonton’s jobless rate rose to 4.3 per cent in August from 3.8 per cent in July while Calgary’s dipped slightly to 3.6 per cent from 3.7.Alberta continued to drive much of the country’s job growth as the oil industry produced 8,000 new jobs in August, Statistic Canada says.But the number of new jobs hasn’t kept up with the number of people streaming into the province looking for work.Although Alberta accounts for only one-tenth of the country’s workforce, the province has generated close to 40 per cent of all new jobs in the country this year, Statistics Canada noted in its report.Canada’s jobless rate rose to 6.5 per cent in August from 6.4 per cent in July, moving up further from May’s record job statistics that many economists believe were suspect.In August, 16,000 jobs were shaved from the national workforce as the number of part-time positions lost outpaced growth in full-time work. Central Canada continued to see its manufacturing base erode.While Quebec and Ontario have seen their manufacturing heartlands pummeled, both provinces posted job gains in the services sector.Canadian workers continue to benefit from higher wages. Salaries were 3.7 per cent higher last month, compared with a year ago.This is more than one percentage point higher than the national inflation rate. But for most economists this is not causing concern about inflation because the national wage numbers are largely driven by spiralling salaries in Alberta.Economists said the Bank of Canada is likely to hold the line on interest rates for the rest of 2006 as the economy cools from its pace earlier this year.Unemployment rates of Canadian cities in August (with July’s rate in brackets.):Edmonton 4.3 (3.8)Calgary 3.6 (3.7)St. John’s, N.L. 8.0 (7.9)Halifax 5.3 (5.2)Saint John, N.B. 6.4 (6.3) Saguenay, Que. 9.3 (9.3)Quebec 4.6 (4.5)Trois-Rivieres, Que. 8.1 (8.0)Sherbrooke, Que. 7.9 (7.9)Montreal 8.3 (8.2)Gatineau, Que. 4.5 (5.2)Ottawa 4.9 (4.8)Kingston, Ont. 6.9 (7.3)Toronto 6.3 (6.2)Hamilton 6.1 (5.6)Kitchener, Ont. 4.9 (4.8)London, Ont. 7.0 (6.1)Oshawa, Ont. 6.4 (6.4)St. Catharines-Niagara, Ont. 6.0 (5.8)Sudbury, Ont. 7.4 (6.5)Thunder Bay, Ont. 8.3 (7.9)Windsor, Ont. 8.6 (8.6)Winnipeg 4.3 (4.2)Regina 4.9 (5.1)Saskatoon 4.9 (4.9)Abbotsford, B.C. 3.9 (4.9)Vancouver 3.9 (4.1)Victoria 3.0 (3.5)
超赞 赏 嘉 嘉士伯 0$(VIP 0) 1,7062006-09-08#2 Good info. Thank.
The best is Victoria
tony_ca 说:在石油产业的带动下,爱城的工作机会还是比较多,而且税低。不过,房价已经涨得很高了,也许存在泡沫。如果收入中的大部分得用来租房或供房,压力也不小吧。点击展开...如果你是低收入,没有关系!政府要你钱的机会少!倒是经常有各种补助可入!!你要是高收入,那就不用担心了!!
honghaier 说:如果你是低收入,没有关系!政府要你钱的机会少!倒是经常有各种补助可入!!你要是高收入,那就不用担心了!!点击展开...呵呵,我年底就要来爱城,最近看了好多爱城的帖,被大家的热情感动了,再冷的地方,人心也暖了, 向往爱城! 希望多认识爱城的朋友!![email protected]
qjf 说:来的人太多,但素质高的太少,有些移民垃圾就是来买个破房子,上涨一点赶快卖了带着点小钱夹尾巴撒丫子了点击展开...嗨,很久没见还好吧?去nait读书了吗?
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