加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息部长承诺重新考察油沙对环境的影响


摘自: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonto ... oilsands-react.htmlAlberta环境部长, Rob Renner, 声称他将拟定一个新的方法, 评估省内油沙工业对环境的影响.他说, “现有的方法需要改进. 我们需要转换到一个新的程序, 以便将长期开发所积累的影响考虑在内.”CBC新闻周二报道说, 有一个1990年建立的机构, 负责分析在可能引起永久性环境损害前, Alberta省应允许多少油沙开发项目, 但至今仍未有答案, 然而一些新的项目仍然不断被批准实施.省和联邦政府拟定了持续环境管理协会以便监视所有上百万有关油沙的项目, 并希望准确判断出到底应该有多少矿山和加工厂允许开发, 而不至于造成环境永久性的损害.Renner说: “CEMA(加拿大电器制造商协会)已经忙的不可开交了”.“当这个机构成立的时候, 预期他们处理大约120亿的经济开发项目, 而据估计这个数目只是我们真正所管理项目的十分之一.Renner说, 尽管政府目前不会对这些开发叫停, 我们还是需要进一步研究下一步需要做些什么.能源及市政部, CEMA的成员之一, 正在批准新的油沙项目, 而且一点也没有减缓.7年过去了, 仍然没有答案.CEMA的计划是要在5年内解答有关环境影响问题. 但是7年的研究和开会, 仍然没有完成它的工作.根据CBC获得的2002年起草的摘要文件, 联邦政府认识到随着不断增加的开发项目,CEMA似乎已经不可能完成它的工作.这篇摘要指出: “CEMA面对项目的不断涌入,不可能及时提供研究成果.这个机构的工作受到很多必要条件的限制, 所有新提议的有关环境的规定; 或环境现状的结论, 必须由47个团体一致同意, 其中包括石油公司, 环保主义者, 以及本地的人民.--------------------以下为原文-------------------------------Alberta's environment minister, Rob Renner, says he will create a new way of assessing the environmental impact of the province's oilsands industry."The process that is in place right now needs to be improved. We need to transit into a new process that will allow for cumulative impact of development to be taken into account," he said.CBC News reported Tuesday that an agency set up in the 1990s to figure out how many projects could be developed in the Alberta oilsands before causing permanent environmental damage still has no answers, even though new projects continue to be approved.The provincial and federal governments created the Cumulative Environmental Management Association to watch all the mega-projects in the oilsands and to find out exactly how many mines and upgrading plants can be allowed before the environment is permanently affected.CEMA has been overwhelmed with work, said Renner. "When that organization was put into place the expectation was that they would be dealing with about $12 billion in economic development. That estimate is about a tenth of the reality that we are dealing with." Renner says further study is needed to determine what to do next, though the government will not put the brakes on development in the meantime.The Energy and Utilities Board, a CEMA member, approves new oilsands projects, and has never turned one down.After seven years, still no answersThe plan for CEMA was to answer questions about environmental impact in five years. But after seven years of studies and meetings, it still has not finished its work.According to briefing documents written in 2002 and obtained by the CBC, the federal government realized CEMA wouldn't be able to finish its work as projects continued to be developed."CEMA is unable to provide products in time for the reviews of upcoming projects," the briefing document says.The agency is hampered by a requirement that all new proposed environmental regulations, or conclusions on the state of the environment, must be made by a consensus of 47 groups, including oil companies, environmentalists and native peoples.

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