加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?



回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?肯定是有影响得啦,不过就是大小和范围多少问题

Montréal石油经济支撑着加拿大,如今油价暴跌,产油大省阿伯塔经济受到冲击是必然的,前景如何?工作机会还多吗?点击展开... 安

税务局奖15%协助举报海外逃税,想赚钱的知情者积极举报,包括“太空人”房东等逃税者 超赞 赏 Michelle Libra流金歲月 感恩惜福 0$(VIP 0) 29,7842008-10-24#4 回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?加拿大,乃至阿省根本不依赖石油经济。

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15加拿大,乃至阿省根本不依赖石油经济。点击展开...如果是这样,那为什么加币和石油价格连动呢?

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?加拿大,乃至阿省根本不依赖石油经济。点击展开...Are you sure?

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?加拿大,乃至阿省根本不依赖石油经济。点击展开...加元又称油元, 和石油, 矿产品价格密切相关

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?要不是石油,爱城有今天这个样子吗?

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?如果不是石油价格 暴涨 阿伯塔不会是现在这么强的。 澳元和大宗金属价格也是连动的。可怜的澳元。。。

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?不懂,昨天加油,油价已经不到一元了。

记录移民生活点滴 登陆小结 登陆3个月 登陆9个月登陆周年 登陆2周年 超赞 赏 C crrllong 0$(VIP 0) 2772008-10-29#11 回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?这么说有点夸张,加拿大是个自然资源丰富的国家。油砂只是一方面,北面的育空还有钻石,就是我们吃的canola 经过加氢处理也可以变成生物柴油。这次的危机主要是金融危机,钱聚集在少数人手里,不在像过去那样投资在实业上,回钱太慢,而是在金融市场里炒,玩的就是心跳!,炒过了就是现在这个样子,几家欢喜几家愁。现在又不能像过去那样,打个世界大战来解决矛盾。只有让经济冷一冷,也挺好的吗?然我们穷人也有机会看看房。

2001.3.22   FN bj2005.10.5--- edmonton 超赞 赏 Michelle Libra流金歲月 感恩惜福 0$(VIP 0) 29,7842008-10-29#12 回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?难道诸位是因为石油,才移民到这里来的吗?惊讶ing... ^_^

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15难道诸位是因为石油,才移民到这里来的吗?惊讶ing... ^_^点击展开...这有什么可惊讶的。自己不是为了石油,可是为了子孙,还是找一个有石油地方比较好。何况加拿大各种资源都丰富。二三十年后,加拿大人的日子会非常好。当然资源只是一个因素。

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?Physically obsessed people .... lol

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 超赞 赏 珍 珍妮花 0$(VIP 0) 1002008-10-31#15 回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?胖是因为过得太安逸,没压力,闲了就吃,吃得太多,出门开车不运动.

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?油价和alberta的关联度简直太大了,油价就才波动了两三个月,就有很多大石油公司的大项目延期,取消,缩减了。当然人力成本现在太高也是一个原因。就在前天,尽管盈利增长了22%,shell推迟了一个大项目,都是几十billon的项目Shell delays Athabasca oilsands expansion; Q3 profits up 22 per centLauren Krugel, THE CANADIAN PRESSCALGARY - Royal Dutch Shell PLC (NYSE:RDS.A) has become the latest major oilsands player to put its expansion plans on ice amid soaring costs and weakening crude oil prices.Jeroen Van der Veer, chief executive of Europe's largest oil company, told a conference call Thursday that Shell will delay a decision on expanding its Athabasca oilsands project north of Fort McMurray, Alta."We had in mind to decide on the second expansion in 2009," he said. "But at this moment, if you look at the combination of inflated labour costs and raw material prices in the form of equipment, we felt that we had better delay that."Also Thursday, the British-Dutch oil and gas firm reported a 22 per cent jump in third-quarter profit.Shell is already going ahead with an initial expansion of Athabasca, raising its output from 155,000 barrels a day to more than 250,000 barrels by the end of next year.More expansions had been planned with the goal of producing 500,000 barrels a day.The Athabasca project is 60 per cent owned by Shell, with Chevron Canada Ltd. and Marathon Oil Canada Corp. each holding 20 per cent.It consists of the Muskeg River Mine in northern Alberta and the Scotford upgrading and refining complex near Edmonton.Many other Canadian oilsands players have been scaling back their plans recently.The partners in the $24-billion Fort Hills oilsands project - Petro-Canada (TSXCA), Teck Cominco (TSX:TCK.B) and UTS Energy (TSX:UTS) - announced last week they may defer a decision to build an upgrader near Edmonton.Suncor Energy Inc. (TSX:SU), Canada's second largest oilsands operator, reduced its planned 2009 capital spending by more than a third to $6 billion.Construction of an upgrader for its nearly $21-billion Voyageur oilsands expansion has been pushed back by at least a year and future phases of its steam-assisted gravity drainage Firebag oilsands project could be deferred as well.<A HREF="http://ads.mytelus.com/event.ng/Type=click&FlightID=30919&AdID=60748&TargetID=6400&Segments=35,1099,1766,1772,1970,2066,2099,2101,2158,2175,2191,2196,2198,2200,2219,2225,2262,2263,2285,2428,2457,2532,2573,2592,2689,2718,2719,2799,2815,2816,2818,2840,2860,2893,2894,2909,2915,2920,2933,2936,2967,2973,3068,3076,3086,3092,3106,3122,3123,3148,3149,3150,3151,3152,3153,3180,3220,3282,3298,3299,3315&Values=30,50,60,72,86,101,110,150,837,2305,3188,3351,3443,3672,3687,3740,3741,3892,3950,3964,4062,4203,4670,4696,4936,4939,4945&Redirect=http://www.bobblehockey.com" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://ads.mytelus.com/ads_2008/music_zone/music2_300x250_EN.gif" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 BORDER=0></A>Nexen Inc. (TSX:NXY) and its partner Opti Canada (TSX:OPC) have also delayed a decision on expanding their 50-50 Long Lake oilsands operation in northern Alberta because the credit crunch made it harder to raise capital.Additionally, privately held Value Creation Inc. has halted construction on its Heartland upgrader near Edmonton."When you're looking at these projects costing billions and billions of dollars, I think you need to have a pretty good handle as to what the future's going to look like before you commit shareholder capital and put it at risk," said Edward Jones analyst Lanny Pendill."Where costs are today, and given the fact that commodity prices have dropped dramatically, it doesn't really make sense to go in head first."BMO Capital Markets analyst Randy Ollenberger said many oilsands projects on the drawing board need oil prices of at least US$80 per barrel to be viable.He added the high costs of steel, labour and construction materials will probably remain high well into 2010 and 2011, when construction was supposed to have begun on many of the deferred projects."I think it'll start to alleviate some of the cost pressures in the Fort McMurray region and maybe elsewhere in the province, but it'll take a little bit of time to filter through," he said.On the conference call, Shell CEO Van der Veer declined to say whether the company would cut capital expenditure on other projects next year."Our strategy remains to pay competitive and progressive dividends, and to make significant investments in the company for future profitability," he said.The company earned US$8.45 billion, up from $6.92 billion a year ago, as sales rose 45 per cent to $132 billion.Shell's oil production fell to 2.93 billion barrels of oil and equivalents per day from 3.14 billion a year earlier.The company's average selling price was $111.18 per barrel, up from $70.81 a year ago.Oil hit a record $147 in July but has fallen by more than half to around $65.15 on the New York Mercantile Exchange Thursday afternoon.

超赞 赏 Z zptcn 0$(VIP 0) 6632008-11-06#17 回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?油价反弹了。。。长期来说,油价还是看涨的。

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回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?尚安,不过在石油公司工作的人就不知道了

回复: 油价暴跌,加币狂降,加拿大安否?尚安,不过在石油公司工作的人就不知道了点击展开... 说阿省是以石油为主导的经济体也许不合适,但加元和澳元类似,都是commodity价格涨的时候就升值,commodity价格跌的时候就贬值! 几个建到一半左右的项目仍在继续,但后续的项目已经遥遥无期地推迟了。短期内多数人都还有工作,但悬在头上的那把裁员的“打磨颗粒斯”之剑已经让不少人开始担心今后几年如何偿还高额的猫给鸡了。 房价开始下跌的时候,恐怕高位买房的人就开始羡慕那些无债一身轻的人了。

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