加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:NAIT 入学语言测试
各位前辈: 麻烦请教一下NAIT入学的语言测试都包括哪几部分?大致考试内容是什么? 考试费用多少?是只要提前预约可以随时进行测试吗?另外,这个考试与雅思A类平均6.5相比,哪个更容易一些呢? 不好意思问了这么多问题。麻烦有经验的前辈不吝赐教。感谢您!
回复: 请教:NAIT 入学语言测试As far as I know, it should be included reading, writing, listening and speaking. The exam is once a month and cost about $100 (couple years ago). You need to book for it. Just go ahead taking it if you want to get into NAIT's programs, no matter it is easy or not. I don't think passing it is harder than 雅思A类平均6.5.
回复: 请教:NAIT 入学语言测试现在120了。比起A类6.5简单多了。水平是以前的托福,听力不难。作文2篇,一个图标,一个论述,弄个模板就好。阅读更简单。对我来说难的是说。说的部分和其他考试不再一起,考完写作就会让你去挑speaking的时间,所以要快些挑个好的时间,一半是下午。 如果speaking考完觉得不好,考官关掉录音后,和他说一下,自己多渴望马上入学。。。。。
6月10递,12签,13审。7月16DM,21DM信。24FN14。8月15变12。8月20变13。8月21变17。8月25收到大信封。As far as I know, it should be included reading, writing, listening and speaking. The exam is once a month and cost about $100 (couple years ago). You need to book for it. Just go ahead taking it if you want to get into NAIT's programs, no matter it is easy or not. I don't think passing it is harder than 雅思A类平均6.5.点击展开... Thank you so much !
回复: 请教:NAIT 入学语言测试As far as I know, it should be included reading, writing, listening and speaking. The exam is once a month and cost about $100 (couple years ago). You need to book for it. Just go ahead taking it if you want to get into NAIT's programs, no matter it is easy or not. I don't think passing it is harder than 雅思A类平均6.5.点击展开... Thank you so much !
回复: 请教:NAIT 入学语言测试现在120了。比起A类6.5简单多了。水平是以前的托福,听力不难。作文2篇,一个图标,一个论述,弄个模板就好。阅读更简单。对我来说难的是说。说的部分和其他考试不再一起,考完写作就会让你去挑speaking的时间,所以要快些挑个好的时间,一半是下午。 如果speaking考完觉得不好,考官关掉录音后,和他说一下,自己多渴望马上入学。。。。。点击展开... 非常感谢你!因为雅思没有考到6.5心里很难过又着急。你的信息给了我力量!
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