加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:雅思考试问题
各位前辈大家好! 麻烦问一下在加拿大考雅思与国内有什么差别呢?一般一个月能有几次考试?考试地点? 考试费用是多少? 雅思口语的考试题目和国内一样吗?国内有很多的预测,感觉会比加拿大容易些。但是我已经没有时间准备了。 恳请有经验的前辈指点。 感谢!
回复: 请教:雅思考试问题You can check the online information about taking IELTS test at Edmonton: http://www.macewan.ca/web/Services/IELTS/home/index.cfm?utm_source=ielts&utm_medium=redirect I don't have the experience about taking IELTS in China. However even you register the test today, you still have the time to preparing it due to the long waiting time. Good Luck.
回复: 请教:雅思考试问题You can check the online information about taking IELTS test at Edmonton: http://www.macewan.ca/web/Services/IELTS/home/index.cfm?utm_source=ielts&utm_medium=redirect I don't have the experience about taking IELTS in China. However even you register the test today, you still have the time to preparing it due to the long waiting time. Good Luck.点击展开... Thank you so much !
回复: 请教:雅思考试问题I took the IELTS test last August in BC which is my first time to meet IELTS.The topic on part 2 was "Discribe something that you made by you for yourself". Give you one minute for preparation.Part 1 was pretty easy. I guess you can answer the questions fluently.Part 3 was a bit hard.
回复: 请教:雅思考试问题I took the IELTS test last August in BC which is my first time to meet IELTS.The topic on part 2 was "Discribe something that you made by you for yourself". Give you one minute for preparation.Part 1 was pretty easy. I guess you can answer the questions fluently.Part 3 was a bit hard.点击展开...Thanks a lot Verdana . Take care !
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