加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 请问有用交通银行汇票,从国内带钱存到TD的么?
2006-12-06 FN;2010-05补料更新雅思成绩; 2010-08-16 ME签发;09-06收到;09-15体检&补料&交登陆费;2011-05-30 PL,06-08收到;06-09护照寄出,06-10香港签收;06-27收到香港寄回的护照和签证 超赞 赏 Summerjann 0$(VIP 0) 6812011-07-15#2 回复: 请问有用交通银行汇票,从国内带钱存到TD的么?I don't think it costs you anything to deposit a draft to your TD account. However for a new account holder your branch might put a hold on your draft. Our branch normally puts a hold for 30 business days on an international draft. It means you might not have access to the money right away.Talk to your personal banker first.
回复: 请问有用交通银行汇票,从国内带钱存到TD的么?I don't think it costs you anything to deposit a draft to your TD account. However for a new account holder your branch might put a hold on your draft. Our branch normally puts a hold for 30 business days on an international draft. It means you might not have access to the money right way.Talk to your personal banker first.点击展开...Thanks a lot.
2006-12-06 FN;2010-05补料更新雅思成绩; 2010-08-16 ME签发;09-06收到;09-15体检&补料&交登陆费;2011-05-30 PL,06-08收到;06-09护照寄出,06-10香港签收;06-27收到香港寄回的护照和签证一般不会有费用,但需要较长的时间才能兑现。 目前从国内带钱过来,最经济、最稳妥的办法是通过这家公司:http://www.bdtforex.com/点击展开...^_^,谢谢老杨!可是这个公司貌似是换汇的,还有就是从加拿大转钱回国内的,好像没看到他们的网站上说有从中国转到加拿大的业务?我们下个月就登陆爱城了,久闻大名,有机会一定来拜访。。。
2006-12-06 FN;2010-05补料更新雅思成绩; 2010-08-16 ME签发;09-06收到;09-15体检&补料&交登陆费;2011-05-30 PL,06-08收到;06-09护照寄出,06-10香港签收;06-27收到香港寄回的护照和签证 超赞 赏 winnie3344 0$(VIP 0) 9792011-07-17#6 回复: 请问有用交通银行汇票,从国内带钱存到TD的么?我刚到爱城,国内钱携带到这里很方便的,直接带国内银联卡过来,然后在CIBC上ATM取款,再存进TD里面去.如果交通银行有银联卡的话也应该可以这样做的。费用是每笔1.5刀,最大笔是500刀
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