加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教临行准备
回复: 请教临行准备我和爱人带3岁女儿将在6月底长登埃城了,我在国内是牙医,请问我想做回本行相关职业的话怎么计划比较好,要做哪些准备?国内的学位和医师证书什么的做个公证有必要吗?还有想请教下带哪些行李比较合理?请各位前辈指点下!点击展开...The fundamental thing is your English must be excellent. Because of that, the chance of taking a similar job here as you had in China is low, if not impossible.As for your luggage, bringing your necessary stuff, the lesser the better; but as much money as possible. Then buying what you need after you have settled in here. My opinion only. Hope it helps.Good luck.
回复: 请教临行准备The fundamental thing is your English must be excellent. Because of that, the chance of taking a similar job here as you had in China is low, if not impossible.As for your luggage, bringing your necessary stuff, the lesser the better; but as much money as possible. Then buying what you need after you have settled in here. My opinion only. Hope it helps.Good luck.点击展开...谢谢,我的英语一般吧,雅思考了L7.5 R 6 W 6 S6.5 在国内有多年接待外国患者的经验,医学上交流基本没问题,但是到了加拿大这个行业是高度规范化的,我要考证很难,还不知道是一心当牙医还是做牙医助手,洁牙师等相对容易拿到证的好。牙医是移民的新职业,不知道政府有没相关认证与培训的机构来帮助我们这些人?还有关于luggage哪些是比较necessary ?我爱人说要把厨房用具包括碗盘都带上有必要吗?
回复: 请教临行准备不用带太多,带些你用惯手的东东,千万别专门买新的
回复: 请教临行准备碗盘可以带些,锅就没必要了,如果不是平底的也用不了,还沉,这里几乎天天有打折,直接买个几件套挺合适的。刀带一把就行,这边刀都是窄。
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