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回复: UAlberta 护士专业顶一下.住学校还是校外好?房租多少?大家吃饭怎么解决的?
回复: UAlberta 护士专业刚听说,阿省政府的新政策,护理行业三年内不招新雇员,同时也在大规模裁员现有护士。谁给证实一下这个消息?大规模裁护士已经被证实了,三年内不招新护士的说法,谁能给个详细的信息?
回复: UAlberta 护士专业刚听说,阿省政府的新政策,护理行业三年内不招新雇员,同时也在大规模裁员现有护士。谁给证实一下这个消息?大规模裁护士已经被证实了,三年内不招新护士的说法,谁能给个详细的信息?点击展开..."大规模裁护士已经被证实了"--可以给个链接延伸阅读吗?谢谢.
回复: UAlberta 护士专业阿省今年财政有赤字,所以形式没以前好。但完全没听说护士行业三年不招新雇员的说法,有正式的original链接么?但是退休人越来越多是肯定的 ,护士又是非周期行业,整个加拿大都有机会的。
回复: UAlberta 护士专业http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...s-plans-to-hire-all-graduates/article4849290/ health careAlberta pushes for more registered full-time nurses, plans to hire all graduates Add to ... JOSH WINGROVE EDMONTON — The Globe and MailPublished Thursday, Nov. 01 2012, 9:31 PM EDT Last updated Thursday, Nov. 01 2012, 9:37 PM EDT 0 comments 16516320Print /LicenseAA Alberta is stepping up efforts to hire more nurses, recruiting every graduate of the province’s universities with hopes of persuading more of them to work full-time.Alberta Health Services chair Stephen Lockwood told a board meeting Thursday that the province hopes to hire all 750 registered nurses who will graduate in Alberta next month, while also recruiting outside its borders. Alberta not only needs more nurses, he said, it needs more who will work full-time – only 28 per cent of AHS nurses are full-time now.More Related to this StoryGlobe editorial The health-care spending law of Wildavsky and Harper Health Canada says Novartis flu shots are safe to use PRESCRIPTIONS FOR HEALTH CARE Medicare's front door, primary health care, needs a remodel “In short, we need everyone,” Mr. Lockwood said. “There will be a nursing job for absolutely every qualified nurse who wants to work with Alberta Health Services, and going forward we want more of them working full-time.”The recruitment is focused on registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses, but not licensed practical nurses, who go through less school and are paid less. And the new goals – more registered nurses, and more full-time – may not mesh. “Part of the success factor [in recruiting nurses to Alberta] has to do with the ability of the individual nurses to be fairly flexible about their employment conditions,” AHS CEO Chris Eagle acknowledged.Nurses’ relationship with the province has been a roller-coaster ride. (“What’s a nursing shortage one month is a surplus the next,” NDP Leader Brian Mason said.) Two decades ago, then premier Ralph Klein rolled back nurses’ wages and choked health budgets. Regional health boards then slowly resumed recruiting. They were consolidated into AHS in 2008 and recruitment collapsed, the United Nurses of Alberta said. Now it’s picking up again.UNA president Heather Smith said the government could start by posting more full-time jobs – many are part-time. But the government will face a fight if it tries to push part-timers into full-time roles – Canadian Institute for Health Information data show Alberta has the lowest percentage of full-time nurses among all provinces. Many nurses want flexible time, Ms. Smith said, and shouldn’t be forced to take full-time jobs. “We are encouraging them to do it through attrition,” she said, saying better jobs will lure nurses. “Look at what you can do to make full-time more attractive.”University of Alberta dean of nursing Anita Molzahn said the province resumed aggressively recruiting her graduates about 18 months ago, but many still are not offered full-time jobs, only part-time or casual. “So I think AHS is signalling a change in direction,” Dr. Molzahn said. “I think that’s good for new graduates.” Many want to stay in Alberta and are seeking full-time work, she said. The hiring binge will also lead to more applications to nursing programs, she said.In 2010, Alberta had 771 nurses per 100,000 residents, roughly the national average, according to a CIHI study. As Alberta grows, as the population ages and as nurses retire – 2,200 in Alberta over the next five years – more nurses are needed. “I don’t know any health minsiter in Canada that isn’t struggling with the issue of how to hire and retain more nurses,” said Fred Horne, Alberta’s Health minister. “There’s two issues – recruitment in terms of numbers, but then there’s also making best use of the nurses we have in place. That’ll continue to be a priority in Alberta.”The board meeting heard AHS staff take an average of 11.1 sick days a year – “significantly higher” than the private sector. The union dismissed that, saying the rates should be compared with other nurses and are well within the allowable amount of time off.More Related to this StoryHealth spending rises at lowest rate in 15 years: study Calgary’s Catholic schools review ban on HPV vaccine 0 comments
回复: UAlberta 护士专业我没有见到官方消息。是一个做护工的朋友说的,他们单位一个月裁了50个人,另一个做护士的人证实裁人很多,有的医院一次裁掉30多 个护士,但没听说三年不招新雇员,所以在这儿想问问有没有人能证实这个说法。 因为我拿到了护士专业的入学通知,所以想求证这个说法的 详细信息。
回复: UAlberta 护士专业基本上是走一个人才能招一个人,同时有很多人竟争一职位,难度大增。
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