加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息埃德蒙2014年家庭低收入标准是多少?
2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿 超赞 赏 V vivien_wj 0$(VIP 0) 452014-09-20#3 关于RESP additional Grant 部分Please find the following information: http://www.smartsaver.org/mn/canada-learning-bond.shtmlhttp://www.smartsaver.org/pdf/CLB_lgl_Mandarin.pdfhttp://www.smartsaver.org/mn/CESG.shtmlhttp://www.canlearn.ca/eng/savings/a-cesg.shtmlFor example, on the first $500 contributed into a child’s RESP, the Additional Canada Education Savings Grant could add:$100, if net family income is $43,953 or less ($500 x 20% = $100)$50, if net family income is between $43,953 and $87,907 ($500 x 10% = $50)Net family income limits are updated every year. This example is based on 2014 income levels.To find out your net family income, consult your:Canada Child Tax Benefit Notice of Determination;Goods and Services Tax Credit/Harmonized Sales Tax Credit Notice of Determination; orNotice of Assessment or Reassessment. (If you are married or in a common-law relationship, add the two net incomes for both yourself and your partner found on Line 236 of your assessments.)This information is also available through the “My Account” section of the Canada Revenue Agency website.If you are the primary caregiver, you can call the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281. For security reasons, you will be asked questions about your account before they will tell you your net income. Make sure you have your tax or benefit statements on hand during the call.http://www.nationalchildbenefit.ca/eng/06/cctb_children.shtml
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计