加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息萨省领先全国增长


[FONT=宋体]sask [/FONT][FONT=宋体]. growth leads nation 萨省领先全国增长[/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Bruce Johnstone, The Leader-Post; with files from CanWest News Service[/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Published: Friday, November 16, 2007[/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Saskatchewan led the country's struggling manufacturing sector in September, posting 3.7-per-cent growth and exceeding $1 billion in sales for the first time, Statistics Canada said Thursday.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]萨斯喀彻温省处于全国领先地位,激进的制造业,在九月份3.7 %的增长,并第一次超过了10亿美元的销售额,加拿大统计局表示,周四。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]"If you chop a tree into two-by-fours, that's not forestry. That's manufacturing,'' Elliott said. "Even the guys who take the peas and put them into bags. "[/FONT][FONT=宋体]如果你把树砍成4*2的块,这并不属于林业,属于制造业, ''埃利奥特说, "即使对有人拾取豌豆,并装入口袋。 That's not agriculture, that's manufacturing.''那也不是农业,是制造业。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Elliott said the kinds of products that Saskatchewan is making, like agricultural chemicals and fertilizer, gasoline and other petroleum products, are in demand domestically and world-wide.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]埃利奥特说,萨斯喀彻温省的产品,例如农业化学品及化肥,汽油和其他石油产品,是在国内和国际所急需的。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]"It shows just how robust our manufacturing sector is, faced with China, and the dollar and everything else that's gone on,'' Elliott said. "[/FONT][FONT=宋体]这显示出我们的制造业是多么强劲,面对于中国、美元和其他一切。 ''埃利奥特说。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]At that rate, Saskatchewan manufacturing sales could approach $12 billion in 2007, up from $9.2 billion in 2004, $9.8 billion in 2005 and $10.5 billion in 2006, he said.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]按照这个速度,在2007年,萨斯喀彻温省制造业销售额可能接近120亿美元,2004年上升到92亿美元,2005年98亿美元,2006年105亿美元,他说。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Most of the gains in Saskatchewan were due to increased sales by chemical manufacturers, and electric equipment, appliance and component manufacturers in the province, the federal agency said.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]大部分增长主要是销售增加,萨省内化学品制造,以及电气设备,专用设备和部件制造,联邦机构说。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Chemical manufacturers include fertilizer producers, like Saskferco, the Belle Plaine-based nitrogen fertilizer plant jointly owned by Mosaic Company and Crown Investments Corporation.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]化学品制造商,包括化肥生产商,如saskferco, Belle,plaine基于氮肥厂共同拥有的Mosaic公司和官方的投资公司。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Electric equipment, appliance and component manufacturers include "switch gear, switchboard and relay and industrial control apparatus manufacturing'' and "communication and energy wire and cable manufacturing.''[/FONT][FONT=宋体]电气设备,专用设备和部件制造商,包括"开关设备,配电盘和继电器和工业控制仪器制造业''和"通信和能源电线电缆制造业。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]While StatsCan won't identify individual companies, one such manufacturer is Vecima Networks Inc., which is headquartered in Victoria, but has manufacturing operations in Saskatoon.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]同时加拿大统计局将不会确定个别公司,象这样的制造商是vecima网络公司,这两家公司的总部设在维多利亚,但有制造业务,在萨斯卡通。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]According to its Web site, Vecima Networks "manufactures and sells products that enable broadband access to cable, wireless and telephony networks."[/FONT][FONT=宋体]据其网站, vecima网络" ,制造并销售产品,使宽带接入以有线,无线和电话网络" 。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]However, Saskatchewan and Ontario were among the few bright spots in Canada's struggling manufacturing sector in September.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]不过,在九月份加拿大的制造业上,萨斯喀彻温省和安大略省的是其中几个亮点。 [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]Ontario saw sales increase 0.7 per cent in September, due almost entirely to a 9.7-per-cent rebound in sales of transportation equipment.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]安大略省的销售量增加0.7 % ,在9月,由于几乎完全以9.7 %美分反弹,在销售的运输设备。 [/FONT]​

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