加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息萨省商业杂志称赞华人律师为萨省带来国际机会


2009年第11期《萨省商业》杂志称赞萨省华人律师江钱峰律师和范晓玲律师为萨省带来国际商业机会并且打破了只有在多伦多、卡尔加利等大都市才能向国际客户提供大量法律服务的惯例。据了解,这两位律师目前都在本省麦克丘律师所萨斯卡通总部任职。作为本省最大的律师事务所之一的该所目前拥有着本省律师事务所中唯一的中国法律事务部。江钱峰律师主要从事矿业法、证券法和公司法,他目前担任着中国国企在本省首个全资矿业子公司富华矿业有限公司的法律顾问、某国际企业在加拿大的总投资预计将超过20亿加元的钾矿项目的常年法律顾问。范晓玲律师主要从事移民法,目前她已经帮助了来自中国(含香港)、印度、越南、韩国、菲律宾、马来西亚、美国、墨西哥、法国、爱尔兰、德国、以色列、乌克兰、南非、摩洛哥、埃塞俄比亚、玻利维亚、秘鲁等许多国家的客户成功移民加拿大。 McKercher LLP lawyers create international opportunitiesSaskBusiness, Oct-Nov, 2009 With McKercher LLP's legal expertise in key economic sectors like infrastructure, corporate transactions, securities, banking and mining, it stands to reason that this Saskatchewan-based group of 63 lawyers has positioned itself to be front runners in the increasing flow of business activities with China. As has been widely reported among the world's leading news agencies, China has increased its position and global influence in the world and is undoubtedly becoming one of the leading economic powers.With Saskatchewan's potential and worldwide demand for resources, McKercher LLP's lawyers are building a bridge for people all around the world to access our industry and corporate investment opportunities. With reserves of uranium, coal, oil and gas, potash, zinc, gold, diamonds and graphite, Saskatchewan is a natural draw for outside, international investment.So, why is McKercher LLP showing considerable interest in international markets, most notably China? Simple ... it's because of their experience and expertise in the region. McKercher LLP has specific connections between the cultures of China and Canada, most notably through Xiaoling Fan and Qianfeng Jiang.Xiaoling is a graduate of Beijing University Law School with experience in Immigration Law, Asian Investment in Canada, International Trade and Intellectual Property. Qianfeng graduated from the Renmin University of China. His area of expertise includes Natural Resources, Corporate and Commercial Law, International Business Transactions and Immigration. Both Xiaoling and Qianfeng have also graduated from North American universities and are fluent in Mandarin and English. The knowledge base of these two leading lawyers and the expertise of McKercher LLP's other lawyers in virtually every practice area, has helped to create a bridge of exceptional strength between the two countries.McKercher LLP dispels the myth that a law firm must be located in a major centre such as Calgary, Edmonton or Toronto in order to have a strong international presence. With locations in Regina and Saskatoon McKercher LLP has assisted clients in Beijing, Sidney, Tokyo and Munich with ease. It is no secret that the overall image of Saskatchewan has recently gained in prominence and identity worldwide. Both the current and previous Saskatchewan governments have created a strong investment climate for investors and immigrants from Europe, South America and China.McKercher LLP is currently assisting foreign corporations, investors and individuals who are looking to invest in Saskatchewan with all of their legal needs including international law issues, immigration and visual issues, transactional workers and securities. Not surprisingly, the support does not stop there. McKercher LLP attends to all personal concerns of businesses and individuals alike and offer services in areas such as tax law labour law, family law and estate planning. Many immigrants continue to come to McKercher LLP for reassurance and advice long after they have made a home in our province."Being able to recognize the cultural differences where people come from and providing international clients with the knowledge of how to excel in Saskatchewan is hopefully of great assistance to international clients," explains Xiaoling Fan. "Inversely; helping Saskatchewan clients to obtain contacts and do business in places such as China is something that sets us apart from other local law firms. What we hear from people most often is 'We don't just need a lawyer, we also need a teacher in doing business overseas.' We understand this and are happy to help as we can to assist our clients."COPYRIGHT 2009 Sunrise Publishing Ltd. COPYRIGHT 2009 Gale, Cengage Learning

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