加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看



回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看全是英文,看不懂啊,LZ能否给翻译一下?

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看https://secure.globeadvisor.com/servlet/ArticleNews/story/gam/20090429/LAWMAIN29ART1929 点击展开...我也想看,可是看不懂

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看是啊,找律师我还是要找华人律师。

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看这里还有更精彩的: Notice of Disbarment - Matthew V. R. Merchant June 11,2009 On January 30, 2007, a Hearing Committee disbarred Mr. Matthew V.R. Merchant who resides in Calgary, Alberta, and practised in Calgary. A Notice to the Profession dated January 31, 2007, was issued with respect to that disbarment. Subsequently, Mr. Merchant applied to the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta for a judicial review of the Hearing Committee’s decision. An interim stay of the disbarment was granted by the Court on February 9, 2007, pending the determination of Mr. Merchant’s application for judicial review. Accordingly, a further Notice to the Profession was issued, dated February 20, 2007, pursuant to Rule 106(5) of the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta. The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta ultimately granted the judicial review and the Law Society appealed that order. On October 10, 2008, the Alberta Court of Appeal reversed the order quashing the January 30, 2007, disbarment. The Court of Appeal extended a grace period for Mr. Merchant to apply under Section 75 of the Legal Profession Act for a stay of his disbarment pending his appeal to the Benchers. On November 12, 2008, Mr. Merchant applied to the Hearing Committee for a stay, and it was granted on strict conditions which included the following practice restrictions: 1. He is to have no direct contact with clients either in person or in writing; 2. He is to make no appearances or any filings in any court; and, 3. He is to sign no trust cheques or in any way handle trust property. On June 4, 2009, the Hearing Committee, on application by the Law Society, found that Mr. Merchant was in breach of the practice restriction that he was not to sign any trust cheques or in any way handle trust property. Consequently, the Hearing Committee vacated the stay of the disbarment. As a result, Mr. Merchant stands disbarred, effective immediately. There was no direction by the Hearing Committee to appoint a custodian, as Mr. Merchant practised with partners who will be responsible for his practice. R. Gregory Busch Director, Lawyer Conduct Law Society of Alberta

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看此所有个华人律师,在里贾纳

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看???????????????

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看闲着无事,上网查了查, 这个所\特别是这个所的所长还是挺"有名"的, 特别是里贾纳的童志们要注意了: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/article312416.ece

回复: 非常有意思的文章准备来萨省的都要看看闲着无事,上网查了查, 这个所\特别是这个所的所长还是挺"有名"的, 特别是里贾纳的童志们要注意了: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/article312416.ece点击展开... 还真是有点意思

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