加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息8月中旬到萨斯卡通,各位好!
8月中旬到萨斯卡通,想在学校周围找一室一厅.对学校周围不熟悉,希望找到的社区比较安全,学生集中的地区的房子.在Regina呆过,Regina Downtown是个房子便宜但绝不适合居住的地方.萨斯卡通的情况如何?有和Regina 大学附近Board Walk那样的离学校很近,学生扎堆的地方吗? 先谢谢各位了
回复: 8月中旬到萨斯卡通,各位好!Around main street (one side close to wholesale, the other side close to safeway), 7 street (close superstore), and 8 street (close to Central Mall) have quite a lot of apartments. A lot of Chinese students and new immigrants live there. If you have some friends live in Saskatoon, they may help you to find a cheaper one.
回复: 8月中旬到萨斯卡通,各位好!Not too far from 14 steet, there are some apartments called "Summer Place". On Clearance Ave. and between College Drive and 8 street,there are a lot of apartments too. A lot of Chinese students live there.
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