加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问萨省有培训 LPN program的college吗?或者萨省护士局网址
渴望新生活 超赞 赏 D dreamland123 0$(VIP 0) 1242010-08-26#2 回复: 请问萨省有培训 LPN program的college吗?或者萨省护士局网址SIAST
回复: 请问萨省有培训 LPN program的college吗?或者萨省护士局网址1,U of S / Course Calendar / Nursing http://www.usask.ca/calendar/nursing 2,Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS) is a degree program. It is a collaborative venture of SIAST's Nursing Division and the University of Saskatchewan's College of Nursing. http://www.siast.sk.ca/programs_courses_descriptions/NURSDIP.shtml 3,Nursing Programs, Courses and Degrees in Saskatchewan http://www.canadian-universities.net/Community-Colleges/Programs/Nursing-Saskatchewan.html Good luck with Saskatchewan !
回复: 请问萨省有培训 LPN program的college吗?或者萨省护士局网址1,U of S / Course Calendar / Nursing http://www.usask.ca/calendar/nursing 2,Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS) is a degree program. It is a collaborative venture of SIAST's Nursing Division and the University of Saskatchewan's College of Nursing. http://www.siast.sk.ca/programs_courses_descriptions/NURSDIP.shtml 3,Nursing Programs, Courses and Degrees in Saskatchewan http://www.canadian-universities.net/Community-Colleges/Programs/Nursing-Saskatchewan.html Good luck with Saskatchewan ! 点击展开...Thanks for your help.I will read this information carefully and prepare for learning while I am landing in SK.
渴望新生活SIAST点击展开...Thank you.
渴望新生活 超赞 赏 他 他乡新起点 0$(VIP 0) 2,8852010-08-28#6 回复: 请问萨省有培训 LPN program的college吗?或者萨省护士局网址学习一下!谢谢!
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