加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。


我懒, 不翻译了, 我没看到家园网新闻有报导,就转过来。Rogers to give back $30 million in billing goof involving 300,000 customers Fri Jun 18, 8:40 PM By The Canadian Press TORONTO - Rogers Communications Inc. (TSX:RCI.B) is reimbursing hundreds of thousands of current and former customers a total of $30 million because of a billing mistake, the company said Friday. Rogers said the money will go to about 300,000 subscribers to its Better Choice Bundles discount program who were overcharged. Meanwhile, 200,000 customers who were underbilled under the program will not be charged the difference. Affected customers are to be notified by letter starting June 22 and the correct discount will be applied within their next two bills, Rogers said. The inaccuracy is a result of administrative error and system related issues, the company said, adding that it varies for each customer depending on the number of services they have and how long they've been in the program. "Once we identified the issue, we initiated a comprehensive review of current and former customer accounts to identify those that were not correctly billed," Phil Hartling, senior vice-president, consumer segment, said in a news release. "We have been working around the clock to make this right and we apologize to our affected customers." Existing under-discounted customers will receive a credit on their account while former customers will receive a cheque. Any unclaimed funds by former customers will be donated to charity. Rogers introduced the Better Choice Bundles program to offer customers a discount when they purchase two or more eligible communications services with a two-year contract term and a consolidated monthly invoice.

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。我懒, 不翻译了, 我没看到家园网新闻有报导,就转过来。 Rogers to give back $30 million in billing goof involving 300,000 customers Fri Jun 18, 8:40 PM By The Canadian Press TORONTO - Rogers Communications Inc. (TSX:RCI.B) is reimbursing hundreds of thousands of current and former customers a total of $30 million because of a billing mistake, the company said Friday.Rogers said the money will go to about 300,000 subscribers to its Better Choice Bundles discount program who were overcharged.Meanwhile, 200,000 customers who were underbilled under the program will not be charged the difference.Affected customers are to be notified by letter starting June 22 and the correct discount will be applied within their next two bills, Rogers said.The inaccuracy is a result of administrative error and system related issues, the company said, adding that it varies for each customer depending on the number of services they have and how long they've been in the program."Once we identified the issue, we initiated a comprehensive review of current and former customer accounts to identify those that were not correctly billed," Phil Hartling, senior vice-president, consumer segment, said in a news release."We have been working around the clock to make this right and we apologize to our affected customers."Existing under-discounted customers will receive a credit on their account while former customers will receive a cheque. Any unclaimed funds by former customers will be donated to charity.Rogers introduced the Better Choice Bundles program to offer customers a discount when they purchase two or more eligible communications services with a two-year contract term and a consolidated monthly invoice.点击展开... 刚收到ROGERS发来的信,通知TV套餐价格上涨

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。刚收到ROGERS发来的信,通知TV套餐价格上涨点击展开...开始怀念中国移动了吧

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。刚收到ROGERS发来的信,通知TV套餐价格上涨点击展开...小心, 看清楚条文, Rogers 很鬼的。

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。开始怀念中国移动了吧点击展开... 很早就知道,过阵子停了ROGERS的,再开个BELL的。

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。很早就知道,过阵子停了ROGERS的,再开个BELL的。点击展开... 一个狼一个虎而已

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。到这里用了ROGERS,没啥好感!要不是刚开始来为图个省事,真是应该谨慎选择!尤其是售后,小姐们说话像吃了枪药,嘴里喷出来的都是火箭炮!

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。资本主义好啊

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。到这里用了ROGERS,没啥好感!要不是刚开始来为图个省事,真是应该谨慎选择!尤其是售后,小姐们说话像吃了枪药,嘴里喷出来的都是火箭炮!点击展开...我刚来第二天,我老公就带我去ROGERS买手机卡,结果手机卡和我的手机不配套,买的时候他们说只要没有用都可以退的,结果去退却说不能退,气死了

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。要利用有限的运营商竞争来为自己争取一定的权益,经常Complain下,会有意想不到的效果,这是同事告诉我的。

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2010/0619/27085.html

回复: Rogers 要还3千万给30万客户。要利用有限的运营商竞争来为自己争取一定的权益,经常Complain下,会有意想不到的效果,这是同事告诉我的。点击展开...不过要费点口舌。

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