加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!
回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!Google 的结果 http://www.primericabusinessopportunity.com/public/businessopportunity/primerica_who.html Primerica's HistoryPrimerica’s roots date back to 1977 when the company embarked on a revolutionary crusade to transform the life insurance industry. Primerica’s “Buy Term and Invest the Difference” philosophy encourages middle income families to purchase affordable term life insurance so they can have more money to invest in their family’s future. Primerica not only offers real financial solutions to real, everyday families, they also offer one of the best entrepreneurial opportunities available today. In the middle of massive economic change, more people than ever are deciding to take their future into their own hands and not remain “stuck” in a job with an uncertain future. Being an employee no longer offers the same job security it once did. Primerica recognizes this. Primerica is looking for entrepreneurs who want to go into business for themselves. Learn more about Primerica… and why it might be the right choice for you. Insures more than 4.3 million lives.More than 2 million clients maintain investment accounts with us.More than 100,000 licensed representatives (as of June 30, 2009).Placed in force more than $87 billion of life insurance in 2008.An average of $2.5 million in benefit claims paid every day.Investment clients have more than $25 billion in assets values in their Primerica investment accounts (as of June 30, 2009).(Primerica refers to Primerica and its affiliated companies.)
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 反馈:孩子妈helen M Milano 0$(VIP 0) 172010-09-22#3 回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!Primerica是一个金融公司,这个公司经常招收员工,在萨省各个城市,小镇做保险和基金的业务。没有基本工资,全部收入来自于提成。
回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!小心这类公司!吸引投资,虚假业绩,血泪回报。。。近日美国又大量发行垃圾债券,这类公司又将活起来。 金融海啸怎么来的,倾家荡产怎么来的,庞氏骗局怎么来的,源头就在这类公司。
爱情这种事情 不能仔细琢磨 一琢磨 就千疮百孔 超赞 赏 反馈:孩子妈helen maggiexu001 0$(VIP 0) 5212010-09-22#5 回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!thanks for reminding
回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!小心这类公司!吸引投资,虚假业绩,血泪回报。。。近日美国又大量发行垃圾债券,这类公司又将活起来。 金融海啸怎么来的,倾家荡产怎么来的,庞氏骗局怎么来的,源头就在这类公司。点击展开...楼主的头像可真可爱,当演员的料,表情多丰富!爹妈咋让孩子委屈成那样!
回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!学习了~!幸亏咱是一穷人~,幸亏咱英语不是很咋地~只可惜他们白在咱身上浪费时间了O(∩_∩)O
回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!保险公司一般都没有底薪么?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 S skhomes 0$(VIP 0) 302010-10-14#9 回复: 谁知道Primerica 是干什么的,给讲讲,谢谢!大部分保险公司都是业务提成的,有底薪也是从你的提成里事先扣除,最后还是要还回给公司。
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