加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~



回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~版里有好多经验贴,一艘就能看到~ 祝你好运啊

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~小留男的女的?

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~版里有好多经验贴,一艘就能看到~ 祝你好运啊点击展开...好的有拜访过一些~谢谢!

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~小留男的女的?点击展开...女生

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~折腾了半天要去萨大上学了,只知道那边很也看了不少临行行李准备的帖子~看的是眼花缭乱~想知道下已经在那边的人们~第一年先住宿舍~有哪些东西大家觉得是很必要的但又在国内想不太到的呢?~谢谢啦!!点击展开...Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck!Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Hi, you are quite right. In my personal opinion, almost all the Canadian cities are the same with regards to the climate, except for Vancouver. Saskachewan is really very cold but it is absolutely ok for the young. You need to learn something from the University, not enjoy your life or, just simply kill the time there.Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck! Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!点击展开...

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck! Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!点击展开...Value village?是?一个shop嘛?

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Hi, you are quite right. In my personal opinion, almost all the Canadian cities are the same with regards to the climate, except for Vancouver. Saskachewan is really very cold but it is absolutely ok for the young. You need to learn something from the University, not enjoy your life or, just simply kill the time there.点击展开...是的 去那里是学习嘛~~不能浪费了钱~谢谢你~~!!

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Value village?是?一个shop嘛?点击展开... 2nd hand store.

搬家了,以后QQ(2332692096)联系。口令火车 超赞 赏 P planning 0$(VIP 0) 2132011-03-16#11 回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~萨大的论坛杯具了 所有小留也杯具了 只好来这里混了

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~萨大的论坛可以上啊?可能在维护吧.http://www.cssaus.net/bbs/forum.php

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~萨大的论坛可以上啊?可能在维护吧.http://www.cssaus.net/bbs/forum.php点击展开...不成~~上不去~好像不是维护~和谐了吧?~呵呵

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~不成~~上不去~好像不是维护~和谐了吧?~呵呵点击展开...可以上呀,刚上过。

生活在萨斯卡通继续Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck!Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!点击展开...old勉强谈的上,famous估计实在是谈不上吧

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck! Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!点击展开...I could find Chinese food in the school?~!really~that's new~I have got another question actually~how many Chinese students actually live on campus~? Is there a lot or most of them are live off-campus~?

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Well, the U of S is a very old and famous Uni in Canada and yes, there are a lot of Chinese students now in it. But Not many could really get degrees there. You have to work hard.Wish you good luck! Yes ,it's very clod in Saskastoon in winter time.But in the school buildings you could just wear T-shirt and Jeans. For sure you could find Chinese food for lunch in the school. So what else do you worried about? If you really want to take care of your parents money, then learn to buy what you need in Value Village!点击展开... 这英语水平,赞一个

回复: 8月要去萨大咯~一些生活小问题~Hi, you are quite right. In my personal opinion, almost all the Canadian cities are the same with regards to the climate, except for Vancouver. Saskachewan is really very cold but it is absolutely ok for the young. You need to learn something from the University, not enjoy your life or, just simply kill the time there.点击展开...恩~还有一个小问题就是关于住宿申请的问题~我今年8月底去~决定在学校住先~我想问一下的就是我申请的那个宿舍没有无线网络覆盖 需要自己弄~这个是怎么弄呢?还有就是网络包月是怎么个情况啊?价格分别是多少呢?

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