加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加国撤侨(ZT)
估计是老哈珀把撤侨的事交给移民部去管了,结果:灾民发了第一封电邮要求救助,没想到1分钟内就收到回复。怀着对CPC和哈核心无限敬仰和感激的心情打开一看,原来是这个:This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about the evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email-communication with our office and we are thereby authorized to use the email-address provided by you for communication with you including thetransmission of personal information on your file/case.灾民赶紧又发了第二封邮件。一个月后,终于收到的人工回复:Please be advised that your case is in the queue for evacuation officer's review.Thank you for your patient又等了一个月,有一天灾民忽然觉得外面怎么这么静啊?鼓起勇气戴上三层口罩出门一看,原来邻居全撤光了,连救灾的自卫队都撤了。赶紧回家又给那个救灾办发了个电邮,还特地标上了SOS。这回不知道是SOS起了作用,还是因为人都撤光了申请救援的人少了,当天就得到回复:Your pickup letter was sent 30 days ago. Considering the postal time has been delayed by the disaster, please wait another 30 days before contacting with us again.灾民又等了30天还没消息,于是又给“救灾办”发了个电邮。结果没1分钟就得到了回复:This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Due to the high risk of radioactive contamination, all personnel of this office have already been self-evacuated. Your application will automatically be preserved in this computer and will be processed as soon as the radioactive level comes back to normal so the evacuation officers are able to resume their work.Thank you for your continued patience.
回复: 加国撤侨(ZT)哈哈,真搞笑!
回复: 加国撤侨(ZT)也很真实,加拿大的办事效率就是这样.
回复: 加国撤侨(ZT)不完全是效率问题。 加拿大撤侨永远是个搅不清的浑水。以中东为例,当年黎巴嫩动乱,好多人拿了加拿大护照,但近十年根本没有回过加拿大,从来不交税,享受着当地的一切福利待遇。但遇到灾难战乱,才想起从箱子底下去把护照拿出来,让加拿大政府把自己捞出来。所以,双重国籍也带来好多的困惑。
回复: 加国撤侨(ZT)哦,这样啊!不过,写贴的人没有介绍撤侨的各种历史背景,而旨在和政府打交道的过程,我想,和加国政府打过交道的人,十有八九都收到过这种自动回复的信件吧?所以很真实,而且,一个问题过去,等一到两个月得到答复也很普遍吧?这就是效率
回复: 加国撤侨(ZT)很真实
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