加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助萨省小姨担保了舅一家及表妹家,现在能还担保我吗?
回复: 求助萨省小姨担保了舅一家及表妹家,现在能还担保我吗?能,我目前和你一样,我是2月递表的,正在等待提名,先前亲人担保了2个亲人,现在还有个亲人准备担保,呵呵,我看过官方文件,说没限制担保人数,但建议一次担保1个或两个!以下是官方写的信息,我复制过来你看看吧 How many family members can I support?There currently is no limit to the number of family members you can support; however, you must be able to prove that these family members can all meet the settlement criteria either through a job offer in Saskatchewan or by meeting the financial requirements of $10,000 for each primary applicant and $2000 for each accompanying family member. You should also consider that becoming a supporting family member is a continuing commitment to the family you support.Because of the enormity of this commitment, we recommend that supporting family members in Saskatchewan thoroughly assess their resources and limit their support to one or two family members at a time.
回复: 求助萨省小姨担保了舅一家及表妹家,现在能还担保我吗?在此非常感谢tns001cn!祝你早日拿到提名!
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