加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.


If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who has lived in Saskatchewan for the past year; and you are financially self-supporting, your family members (mother/father, daughter/son, brother/sister, niece/nephew, aunt/uncle, grandchild, grandfather/grandmother, first cousin, or step-relative) may qualify to apply for family member category of Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).Family member category is just the latest (December 5, 2005) enhancement to the province's immigration program, which will approve approximately 5,000 new immigrants a year by 2008-09.Eligibility Criteria:To be eligible under the Family Members category you must:* Have a family member (a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada) who has lived in Saskatchewan for the past year.* Be between the ages of 18-49;* Have completed at least one year of post-secondary education.* Have at least one year of work experience in your field of education/training.* Have sufficient language capability to be employable in Saskatchewan that is verified by an employer affidavit or by education and language testing;* Have a fulltime permanent job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan or, intend to find work in Saskatchewan and have adequate funds to live in the province after arrival ($10,000 for principal applicant and $2,000 for each additional accompanying family member). The funds may be from you or your supporting family members. (I heard that the fund should be at least 3 months in a bank or in other word supporter should have the fund in his/her account for at least three months)Applying: applicant must submit SINP application package to the Saskatchewan Immigration Branch. This package must include the original SINP forms, the original Government of Canada forms, and photocopies of supporting documents.

兄弟姐妹要团结,中国万岁!小熊博客:不想长大的人http://megan0317.blog.sohu.com/ 超赞 赏 lilianou关关难过关关过 0$(VIP 0) 11,4422007-11-13#2 回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.除了家庭团聚移民,沙省的省提名技术移民也是挺吸引人的.

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 超赞 赏 lisa.wang 0$(VIP 0) 1982007-11-15#3 回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.全英文,要有中文翻译多好呀!

2007-12-06 递材料 香港2008-7-11签发FN ...... 超赞 赏 N newcomer 0$(VIP 0) 472007-11-19#4 回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.有人办过这个,或者正在办吗?我不在萨省,但是听说这个计划很久了。正在考虑要不要为家人做点牺牲,去萨省蹲一年,请有这方面想法和经验的人分享一下信息。谢谢

回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.全英文,要有中文翻译多好呀!点击展开...中文版,http://bbs.agoodhope.com/thread-222-1-1.html

回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.有人办过这个,或者正在办吗?我不在萨省,但是听说这个计划很久了。正在考虑要不要为家人做点牺牲,去萨省蹲一年,请有这方面想法和经验的人分享一下信息。谢谢点击展开...主要是要有工作offer。

回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.主要是要有工作offer。点击展开...这个不容易吧?如果是中餐馆里找的工作也可以吗?家人英语不好,怎么能没来就找到工作呀。

回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.牺牲是挺大的.有人办过这个,或者正在办吗?我不在萨省,但是听说这个计划很久了。正在考虑要不要为家人做点牺牲,去萨省蹲一年,请有这方面想法和经验的人分享一下信息。谢谢点击展开...

回复: 在萨省住满一年后, 可申请家庭成员移民.我也有同感

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