加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产
回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产你下周回国,现在看房有用吗??你就是现金,也得等一周才能完成转账啊。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.你下周回国,现在看房有用吗??你就是现金,也得等一周才能完成转账啊。点击展开... Call this agent. I think she is very good. The local agent won't ask how much you can put in, they care about your needs and try to meet it, by the way, you won't feel be pushed, The most important two things:1. she will do the market analysis and email the listing you are interested in daily.2. She can show you the house you are interested in any time with short notice. That really makes difference in this changing market. The only problem is that she is not so aggressive about the offering price, so when you really want something and you don't want to miss, you might bump up the offer. what she does is try to save some $ for you. Good luchDebbie Crabbe Sales RepresentativeDome Realty Inc4420 Albert Street Regina, SKS4S [email protected] Office:306-789-1222Office Fax:306-525-1433Direct:306-790-3669Connected To MoreSigned in as .
Inflation is a dishonest and deliberate policy and tool of politicians who do not wish to reduce their spending. The government "creates" new money in order to cover what it spends in excess of its income. 超赞 赏 cbcctv 0$(VIP 0) 1,3652011-10-20#4 回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产The problem is most of agents need 24 hours to call the owner to make appointments .The biggest issue is the poster may not be able to speak any English so r u really expecting debbie Crabbe to hire a Chinese assistant??
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.现在本人在里贾纳考察,想要在本周六或周日看当地的房地产,请感兴趣的房地产中介尽快留下联系方式。因为本人下周就回国了。谢谢点击展开...看房还是买房?如果看房的话,中介不会有兴趣,因为他们都很忙,如果买房的话,谁都有兴趣,因为大家都喜欢短平快!
回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产哎,就是先看看房子,考察结束之后,到时候档案号下来,至少心里能有个普,买什么样的的房子需要多少加币是不是
回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产Call this agent. I think she is very good. The local agent won't ask how much you can put in, they care about your needs and try to meet it, by the way, you won't feel be pushed, The most important two things:1. she will do the market analysis and email the listing you are interested in daily.2. She can show you the house you are interested in any time with short notice. That really makes difference in this changing market. The only problem is that she is not so aggressive about the offering price, so when you really want something and you don't want to miss, you might bump up the offer. what she does is try to save some $ for you. Good luchDebbie Crabbe Sales RepresentativeDome Realty Inc4420 Albert Street Regina, SKS4S [email protected] Office:306-789-1222Office Fax:306-525-1433Direct:306-790-3669Connected To MoreSigned in as .点击展开... Thank you very much
回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产你下周回国,现在看房有用吗??你就是现金,也得等一周才能完成转账啊。点击展开... 我现在就是商务考察,现在看房子是因为我想买房子,否则我就随便看看就得了。
回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产你准备多少钱买?投资房么?在哪个区,没准我这能给你找出1-2套,私人交易的。绕开地产经纪,找律师转账就好了。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 C cryatal0812 0$(VIP 0) 1572011-10-22#10 回复: 急找里贾纳的房产中介,现在人在里贾纳,想要去看当地的房产自己上realtor.ca上找,看准哪套房随便找个中介都能带你看,中国人中介的名片网站上到处是。
·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖