加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于亲属移民问题,请给我意见
回复: 关于亲属移民问题,请给我意见08年申请的时候,速度飞快,现在基本都是1-1.8年。而且建档信上明确规定,叫你最好不要去咨询,因为很多多伦多,温哥华的都跑来,担保亲属,拿了PR又跑掉了,对SK的经济并没照成什么正面的影响。。。。照这个趋势下去,快了,离suspending app不远了。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.08年申请的时候,速度飞快,现在基本都是1-1.8年。而且建档信上明确规定,叫你最好不要去咨询,因为很多多伦多,温哥华的都跑来,担保亲属,拿了PR又跑掉了,对SK的经济并没照成什么正面的影响。。。。照这个趋势下去,快了,离suspending app不远了。点击展开...多谢你的答复,据我知楼主是本坛的热心人,我一时觉得做人真的难,我亲属非常想移民,我真不知搬去帮他已否,难啊……
回复: 关于亲属移民问题,请给我意见SINP08年的档案 号上,很简单,就是Please be advised that Your application for SINP family category has been received....从09下半年开始,就是The SINP has received an unprecedented number of applications in 2009 and 2010. We aretaking steps to reduce our application processing times. In order to allow us to processapplications as quickly as possible, we ask that you not contact the SINP regarding thestatus of your application until you receive notice of our assessment. When your file isassessed, we will contact you if any further information is required.而且SINP就那几个officer,每天忙的不行,最近几年印巴人超多。你去办医疗卡,跟SINP office看看,每天都有,最少3个人组团去问问题。其次就是菲律宾人。
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