加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。



回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。在萨省什么地方?

学习,学习,再学习...... 超赞 赏 B business168 0$(VIP 0) 4032011-05-10#3 回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。很不错,价格很便宜。在哪里、电话也公开一下好吗?

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。很不错,价格很便宜。在哪里、电话也公开一下好吗?点击展开...不好意思,朋友忘记了。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。在萨省什么地方?点击展开...在萨市卡通。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。在萨省什么地方?点击展开...就那么几个字,楼主说的很清楚,还问!。。。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。饺子看上去还不小,皮儿是自己手擀得吗?

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。就那么几个字,楼主说的很清楚,还问!。。。点击展开...不问不清楚,那些资料都是楼主后加上去的。 还要问一下,要提前多久订货?

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。不问不清楚,那些资料都是楼主后加上去的。 还要问一下,要提前多久订货?点击展开...因为材料是自超市新鲜买回来的,所以,大约需要一个小时就做好50个。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。饺子看上去还不小,皮儿是自己手擀得吗?点击展开...是的,全都是新鲜手做的。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。馋死我了...

正因成功并非易事,所以梦想才如此闪耀...五月3号从山东登陆萨市卡通,还没有找到工作。做些饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。 饺子有三种: 牛肉芹菜,猪肉韭菜和三鲜(鲜虾,香菇和白菜)卖$10元50个, $5元25个(生的,没有煮熟)。所有饺子即叫即包,绝对新 鲜!! 定货电话:306-262-3595点击展开... 个不小啊!就是觉着饺子形状还可以再漂亮些O(∩_∩)O哈!我这也琢磨,等安顿好了,干点啥呢,这个主意不错,包饺子。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。精神上支持一下,俺还在申请中。

2010.2.18递交萨省/11.16通过省提名/2011.3.16收ME/5.9MER/6.19DM/6.21收VISA/8.10登陆/8.22上班/10.19收枫叶卡/2012.4.10萨屯 远行乐乐的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/xjh1021 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822011-05-10#14 回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。不错的生意点子。可以咨询一下如下的市场http://www.saskatoonfarmersmarket.com/vendors.html 租一个摊位,买一个冰柜,做一些成份说明和烹调方法的小册子, 就可以开张了。 [FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Membership in the[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Saskatoon Farmers' Market[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Co-operative[/FONT][/FONT]​ The objective of the Saskatoon Farmers' Market is to operate facilities to market agricultural products, arts and crafts produced in Saskatchewan by its members and such other products approved by Saskatchewan Department of Tourism and Small Business. Members must make, bake or grow whatever they are selling. It is not permitted to buy from someone else and re-sell at the market. Each individual selling at the market must be a qualified member and must be personally present to operate their stall. This provides the customer the opportunity to deal directly with the producer, which allows a personalized touch with the products that are being purchased. Craftsperson and bakers products must be 65% original. Merchandise made up from purchased kits, for example, are not acceptable. All craft items are juried by the Saskatoon Farmers' Market craft jury prior to membership approval. All members selling any prepared foods must have the Food Safe course offered through Public Health to qualify for membership. All members must abide by the Hazardous Products Act or the Food and Drug Act. [SIZE=+1]Update: January 2011[/SIZE]​Membership reviews will begin soon. If you have something that fits within our guidelines we would love to receive your application for membership. Please remember we are an agricultural market and take a very limited amount of craft items. If you qualify for membership as detailed above, please download an application and drop it off at the office so we can speak to your more about your new venture. New members will be considered for a Saturday stall only if they are able to attend a Wednesday market. You can download a copy of the Application, Procedure and Needed Products. Please review our Rules and Regulations to consider your ability to conform to Market policies. Please refer to the Procedure and Needed Products to assist your application.Phone: (306) 384-6262Fax: (306) 384-4850​ Saskatoon Farmers' Market414 Ave B So.Saskatoon, Sk. S7M 1M8Email: [email protected] Fax: (306) 384- 4850​

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822011-05-10#15 回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。“We Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it” Prospective Vendor Information August 2010Rule #1 YOU MAKE IT, YOU BAKE IT, YOU GROW IT, YOU SELL ITHow to apply to become a vendor:Please note: To be a vendor you must be an approved member of the Co-operative. The procedureto become a vendor is as follows.1. Come to the Farmers’ Market on a Saturday at 414 Ave B So. between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to discuss theoperation of the Market with the Manager of Operations. If your product qualifies, you will be given amembership application package. Applications will be processed in the order they are received.2. Complete and return the application form with the required fees. Application fee currently is $150. Thisamount includes your membership dues for the year ending December 31 and processing fee. This fee will beheld in trust until the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market (SFM) Board of Directors reviews your application.3. You will be contacted by telephone to notify you of a date and time when the SFM New Member’s Committeewill review your membership and products. At that interview you will have the opportunity to discuss yourproduct and business. Only products listed on your application will be reviewed for acceptance. If you areunable to attend this interview, please contact the Market phone at 384-6262 to advise that you will not beattending the interview and to request a re-schedule. Your application will not be reviewed if you are unable toattend this interview. The committee will take their recommendation on membership to our SFM Board ofDirectors who will make the final decision on acceptance, rejection or table for a later date.4. Crafters - The SFM Craft Jury will initially review all craft applications. An interview will be arranged for youto present your products for review by the Craft Jury. The Craft Jury’s recommendations will be presented tothe SFM New Member’s Committee and if products are recommended, you will be contacted for an interviewwith the SFM New Member’s Committee please see above #3.5. You will be notified the following day, as to the SFM Board of Director’s decision. Remember - Productsapproved will be based on need.6. If your application is accepted you will receive your permit as to what you are approved to sell, a copy of theSaskatoon Farmers’ Market Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Harassment Policy, Privacy Policy and PublicHealth Guidelines.7. If your application is NOT accepted a $10 application fee will be retained for administration costs and the $140returned.“We Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it”28. When you are ready to attend Market you Must contact the Manager of Operations one week prior to request astall. Space allocations continue to be at a premium and you will be advised whether there will be a stall openfor you at that time. Stalls are given out by way of seniority at that particular market.9. Make certain that you are aware of the Policies, Rules and Regulations as they pertain to your product beforeyou come into the Market.10. Vendors are required to be in attendance at their stall at least 50% of each vending day.11. Your membership dues are valid until December 31. Renewal of membership dues is $100, which is due byJanuary 31.12. You must provide your own table and setup. Table fees average $41.00 per week (for 10’ frontage). Prepayingfor an allocated stall allows you to attend all scheduled market. There is a day charge for occasional vendors.13. Vendors wanting to introduce a new product after initial acceptance by the Board of Directors are required tocomplete a New Product Application form and submit to the SFM Board of Directors for approval.Vendorship Considerations:a. Vendorship is dependant on availability of space at the Market, product mix, and quality of productoffered.b. Consider if your products qualify for year round operation and which market days (Wednesday &Saturday) or for seasonal consideration.c. Consider your ability to conform to Market policies, Rules and Regulations.In Addition to our Primary Rule: “You Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it”Preference for Vendorship by the Board of Directors is given to:a. Vendors of agricultural products.b. Vendors who raise their own product, as well as make, design or process their product.c. Items which might be unique or that will bring added interest to enhance the Market’s attractiveness.d. Preference may be given to vendors NOT utilizing alternate sales outlets.e. Preference may be given to vendors interested in selling year round.Prospective vendors whose Applications are rejected, may Appeal to the Board in writing within 30 days ofnotice or rejection and shall be considered by the Board at the next scheduled meeting. Decisions made by theBoard shall be made by majority vote. Failure to appeal within the 30 days indicates that the prospective vendorgives up the right to appeal.

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !“We Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it” Prospective Vendor Information August 2010Rule #1 YOU MAKE IT, YOU BAKE IT, YOU GROW IT, YOU SELL ITHow to apply to become a vendor:Please note: To be a vendor you must be an approved member of the Co-operative. The procedureto become a vendor is as follows.1. Come to the Farmers’ Market on a Saturday at 414 Ave B So. between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to discuss theoperation of the Market with the Manager of Operations. If your product qualifies, you will be given amembership application package. Applications will be processed in the order they are received.2. Complete and return the application form with the required fees. Application fee currently is $150. Thisamount includes your membership dues for the year ending December 31 and processing fee. This fee will beheld in trust until the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market (SFM) Board of Directors reviews your application.3. You will be contacted by telephone to notify you of a date and time when the SFM New Member’s Committeewill review your membership and products. At that interview you will have the opportunity to discuss yourproduct and business. Only products listed on your application will be reviewed for acceptance. If you areunable to attend this interview, please contact the Market phone at 384-6262 to advise that you will not beattending the interview and to request a re-schedule. Your application will not be reviewed if you are unable toattend this interview. The committee will take their recommendation on membership to our SFM Board ofDirectors who will make the final decision on acceptance, rejection or table for a later date.4. Crafters - The SFM Craft Jury will initially review all craft applications. An interview will be arranged for youto present your products for review by the Craft Jury. The Craft Jury’s recommendations will be presented tothe SFM New Member’s Committee and if products are recommended, you will be contacted for an interviewwith the SFM New Member’s Committee please see above #3.5. You will be notified the following day, as to the SFM Board of Director’s decision. Remember - Productsapproved will be based on need.6. If your application is accepted you will receive your permit as to what you are approved to sell, a copy of theSaskatoon Farmers’ Market Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Harassment Policy, Privacy Policy and PublicHealth Guidelines.7. If your application is NOT accepted a $10 application fee will be retained for administration costs and the $140returned.“We Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it”28. When you are ready to attend Market you Must contact the Manager of Operations one week prior to request astall. Space allocations continue to be at a premium and you will be advised whether there will be a stall openfor you at that time. Stalls are given out by way of seniority at that particular market.9. Make certain that you are aware of the Policies, Rules and Regulations as they pertain to your product beforeyou come into the Market.10. Vendors are required to be in attendance at their stall at least 50% of each vending day.11. Your membership dues are valid until December 31. Renewal of membership dues is $100, which is due byJanuary 31.12. You must provide your own table and setup. Table fees average $41.00 per week (for 10’ frontage). Prepayingfor an allocated stall allows you to attend all scheduled market. There is a day charge for occasional vendors.13. Vendors wanting to introduce a new product after initial acceptance by the Board of Directors are required tocomplete a New Product Application form and submit to the SFM Board of Directors for approval.Vendorship Considerations:a. Vendorship is dependant on availability of space at the Market, product mix, and quality of productoffered.b. Consider if your products qualify for year round operation and which market days (Wednesday &Saturday) or for seasonal consideration.c. Consider your ability to conform to Market policies, Rules and Regulations.In Addition to our Primary Rule: “You Make it, Bake it, Grow it and Sell it”Preference for Vendorship by the Board of Directors is given to:a. Vendors of agricultural products.b. Vendors who raise their own product, as well as make, design or process their product.c. Items which might be unique or that will bring added interest to enhance the Market’s attractiveness.d. Preference may be given to vendors NOT utilizing alternate sales outlets.e. Preference may be given to vendors interested in selling year round.Prospective vendors whose Applications are rejected, may Appeal to the Board in writing within 30 days ofnotice or rejection and shall be considered by the Board at the next scheduled meeting. Decisions made by theBoard shall be made by majority vote. Failure to appeal within the 30 days indicates that the prospective vendorgives up the right to appeal.点击展开...请问哪里有客户吗?

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。个不小啊!就是觉着饺子形状还可以再漂亮些O(∩_∩)O哈!我这也琢磨,等安顿好了,干点啥呢,这个主意不错,包饺子。点击展开...朋友吃了,觉得好吃才叫我放上网试一试。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。馋死我了...点击展开...可以过来试一试。好吃就帮忙介绍一下。

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。精神上支持一下,俺还在申请中。点击展开...谢谢!

回复: 初来萨省报到,没事干。做点饺子帮补家计,希望大家喜欢。支持一下新来的同胞~

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