加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822011-09-21#2 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。顶一下楼主。看来Regina喜欢钓鱼的中国同胞喜欢上网的不多。
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822011-09-21#3 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。你不喜欢冰钓吗?可以2-3月份约了一起去diefenbaker lake 交流交流。
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 路还有多远? 0$(VIP 0) 1,3352011-09-21#4 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。regina由地方钓鱼吗? 感觉是平原没湖啊
中国人最难登的地方有四个:分别叫twitter、facebook、no video、钓鱼岛。如果你在第四个上面登不上前三个,那证明钓鱼岛是中国滴。regina由地方钓鱼吗? 感觉是平原没湖啊点击展开...谁说sask没湖,全加拿大人都笑了。。。10万个湖。Regina周边100km之内,就有4个湖。不是大明湖那种所谓的湖。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.你不喜欢冰钓吗?可以2-3月份约了一起去diefenbaker lake 交流交流。点击展开...冰钓太冷了。。。坐那半天,受不了啊。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.谁说sask没湖,全加拿大人都笑了。。。1万多个湖。 Regina周边100km之内,就有4个湖。不是大明湖那种所谓的湖。点击展开...我确实是笑了...萨省是北美出名的钓鱼爱好者的天堂,北边的湖里的鱼多了去了,曾经有同事宣称一天钓了200多条pike,鱼多的就差追着船咬了。。。。
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !我确实是笑了...萨省是北美出名的钓鱼爱好者的天堂,北边的湖里的鱼多了去了,曾经有同事宣称一天钓了200多条pike,鱼多的就差追着船咬了。。。。点击展开...North Battleford 继续往北。那里好几个湖,比如jackfishlake Northen pike随便一拉,就有6-7磅的样子。关键你得有船,那些什么蚯蚓,虾仁,都是传说,直接用铁片下水拉就好了。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.冰钓太冷了。。。坐那半天,受不了啊。点击展开...别在刮大风的天气去,可以买个帐篷,装备好冬天的衣服和靴子。晴朗的2-3月份其实很舒服的。尤其是坐在“洞口”看着鱼上来,感觉很爽!回头我拍个 video 推广一下冰钓
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !North Battleford 继续往北。那里好几个湖,比如jackfishlake Northen pike随便一拉,就有6-7磅的样子。关键你得有船,那些什么蚯蚓,虾仁,都是传说,直接用铁片下水拉就好了。[/quot没错!目前正计划买条船呢,希望能钓鱼+滑水, 孩子就不再抱怨无聊了。点击展开...
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !North Battleford 继续往北。那里好几个湖,比如jackfishlake Northen pike随便一拉,就有6-7磅的样子。关键你得有船,那些什么蚯蚓,虾仁,都是传说,直接用铁片下水拉就好了。点击展开...Jackfish Lake 每年有冰钓比赛,明年准备去看看,据说今年的有将近1500人参加。
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 雨 雨雨 0$(VIP 0) 1882012-01-14#12 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。还没有在这里钓过,刚来2月,楼主什么时候带我见识下,这里怎么个钓法呢?我的联系电话3065817369
回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。开春了叫你
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 A ad8888 0$(VIP 0) 1352012-01-16#14 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。冰钓太冷 夏天蚊子太多
回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。夏天钓鱼都是天没亮的时候,要么就是黄昏。真的钓鱼好季节是秋天。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 robin wang 0$(VIP 0) 2082012-01-21#16 回复: Regina有钓鱼的么?冬天快来了,抓紧了。顶一个
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