加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题SASKATOON到REGINA有大巴的,好像每天有3班车,3个多小时到,36加元,网上查的资料,不知道准不准另外,国内的驾照在加国可以用3个月的,最好带翻译的公证,有国际驾照更方便
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题SASKATOON到REGINA有大巴的,好像每天有3班车,3个多小时到,36加元,网上查的资料,不知道准不准另外,国内的驾照在加国可以用3个月的,最好带翻译的公证,有国际驾照更方便点击展开... 太感谢了,及时雨啊!我qq 1798990462移友们加我啊
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题大巴不方便。这两个城市的市内交通不是特别方便,特别是对新来的人而言。租车非常方便,北美开车也很容易,就是要熟悉一下交通规则,full stop, 4 way stop, yield什么的。
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题大巴不方便。这两个城市的市内交通不是特别方便,特别是对新来的人而言。租车非常方便,北美开车也很容易,就是要熟悉一下交通规则,full stop, 4 way stop, yield什么的。点击展开...“full stop, 4 way stop, yield什么的”是什么呀?我有同学说中国驾照可以在萨省直接使用.
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题“full stop, 4 way stop, yield什么的”是什么呀?我有同学说中国驾照可以在萨省直接使用.点击展开... You can use China's driver licence here for three months. You need English translation of the licence. "Full stop", "4-way stop" and "yield" are some of important driving differences between China and north America. Actually it is not a skill, but a rule stictly followed by north America drivers. You have to know this before you drive alone. Have a friend with you for 5 minutes and you will get it. In Canada, drivers never slow down when it is green night. They all "assume" other drivers are following the rules. In China we always slow down and look around even it is green, here it is not the case.
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题应该有地陪带你们去。 自己开车2小时。如果不熟悉,最好还是别开车。国内来的开车都比较猛,和这里习惯不一样。 出门在外的,安全第一。能够省事的,尽量省事。
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题You can use China's driver licence here for three months. You need English translation of the licence. "Full stop", "4-way stop" and "yield" are some of important driving differences between China and north America. Actually it is not a skill, but a rule stictly followed by north America drivers. You have to know this before you drive alone. Have a friend with you for 5 minutes and you will get it. In Canada, drivers never slow down when it is green night. They all "assume" other drivers are following the rules. In China we always slow down and look around even it is green, here it is not the case.点击展开...谢谢
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题自己租车方便,但是一定要注意安全。尤其是路口。见到红牌子stop一定要停定。见到?-way stop 也要停定,然后根据到达路口的顺序走,先到先走。见到倒三角的牌子,要让路,然后再走。还有就是高速入口处、换道之类的,一定要看后面直行的车,保证他们车速过来不会撞到你再走。
回复: 怎样从萨斯卡通到里贾纳,以及‘驾照’问题如果注定以后还要来北美,先买个GPS,再租车就可行多了。
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