加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息萨省的的高帅富还是低于全国标准阿。。。。
Saskatchewan's top earners make less than Canadian average Reported by Lisa Schick First Posted: Jan 29, 2013 12:42pm | Last Updated: Jan 29, 2013 12:43pmChange text size:+ -Canada's top one per cent of earners make more than $201,000 a year. However, to be par with Saskatchewan's one per cent, some of them will have to make a bit more. There are 254,730 people in Canada's one per cent, but only 5,490 of those are from Saskatchewan (according to 2010, the last available data). More than half of those are concentrated in the province's two largest cities; 1,720 are in Regina, and 1,960 are in Saskatoon. Being part of Saskatchewan's one per cent is a bit easier; the threshold is only $178,000 a year; 7,670 people are part of that club. However when taken right down to the cities, people will need to be doing quite a bit better to be considered in the elite. The top one per cent in Saskatoon make $204,200 or more a year. And the top one per cent in Regina make $209,300 or more a year. The income of the top one per cent in the province rose steadily from 2006 to 2010. In Saskatchewan the average income for the top one per cent is $349,700 while the average income for the province as a whole is $40,800. The top one per cent in Regina earn an average of $444,000, and the average income for the whole city is $46,700. In Saskatoon the top one per cent makes $437,800 on average, and the average wage for the city as a whole is $44,700. 看来之前有人说6万多年薪的工作算低工资的,是不是属于那top1%呢??可能是吧。。。。毕竟全省平均收入还在徘徊在4万5左右。。。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 新David0531 0$(VIP 0) 1,8442013-01-29#2 回复: 萨省的的高帅富还是低于全国标准阿。。。。http://www.aeei.gov.sk.ca/sk-wage-survey-report-2011各个职业2011年工资统计
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 saskacura 0$(VIP 0) 2912013-01-29#3 回复: 萨省的的高帅富还是低于全国标准阿。。。。貌似文章说萨省的top1%要高于全国平均水平不少啊??
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 讴歌新车及多品牌二手车销售 用我的热情回报您的真情! 超赞 赏 L livingsky 0$(VIP 0) 3432013-01-29#4 回复: 萨省的的高帅富还是低于全国标准阿。。。。最重要的不是别人怎么样,而是自己如何。看了一些统计数据,我本人还是比较伤感的。为什么,平均水平这么高,自己任重道远。 大家想想吧,中国的平均收入2万左右,如果你赚三万,是个什么生活,说起了高于平均水平50%。真的很好的数据,但实际上生活很贫困。加拿大1%最富裕的人占有全部财富的65%左右,去掉这1%,大家都不怎么样。 家庭收入中间值,几个主要城市的数据。 http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/famil107a-eng.htm regina平均家庭收入8.5万,假如按照我说的150%的平均收入作为基本的要求,那就是年收入12万以上。 我们中国移民有多少能达到这个水平,有多少能达到这个平均的一半?华人朋友们,我们真的任重道远。而且,这些年来,regina的家庭收入一致成上升趋势。 另外别忘了regina众多的靠福利的印第安人,所以,非印第安人的平均收入应该更高。
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