加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息TD任命了一个印度人做下届CEO啊


http://www.td.com/about-tdbfg/corporate-information/executive-profiles/masrani.jspAs announced on April 3, 2013, Bharat Masrani will become Chief Operating Officer, TD Bank Group effective July 1, 2013. In keeping with TD’s succession plan, Bharat will be appointed Group President and Chief Executive Officer of TD Bank Group effective November 1, 2014.Bharat has more than 26 years of banking experience and is a member of the TD Bank Board of Directors. In 2008, he was named CEO of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank®. Prior to his role at TD Bank, he served as Vice Chair and Chief Risk Officer of TD Bank Group, a position he held from May 2003. During his tenure with TD Bank Group, Bharat also served as Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of TD Waterhouse Investor Services in Europe; Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance and Co-Head in Europe; Vice President and Country Head for India; and Vice President and Head, Corporate Banking Canada. He began his banking career with TD Bank Group in 1987 as a Commercial Lending Trainee.TD Bank is one of the 10 largest commercial banks in the U.S., with more than 28,000 employees. The bank offers a broad array of retail, small business and commercial banking products and services to approximately 8 million customers through its extensive network of more than 1,300 retail stores from Maine to Florida.Bharat serves as a board member on the Financial Services Roundtable and is a member of the Federal Advisory Council. He and his wife, Shabnam, currently make their home in Philadelphia, PA and have two grown children.

回复: TD任命了一个印度人做下届CEO啊老印职场上真牛~~

回复: TD任命了一个印度人做下届CEO啊不奇怪,这印度人原来是负责美国业务的,当然比较容易升上去.

回复: TD任命了一个印度人做下届CEO啊不奇怪,这印度人原来是负责美国业务的,当然比较容易升上去.点击展开...愿闻其详~~

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