加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急!请大家给意见



" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 春 春暖花开45 0$(VIP 0) 82013-06-10#2 回复: 急!请大家给意见天啊,怎么能这么无赖呢,黑人真难缠啊,以后知道了房子不能租给黑人

回复: 急!请大家给意见萨省有Real Estate regulator之类的机构么?

回复: 急!请大家给意见萨省有Real Estate regulator之类的机构么?点击展开...有。Office of Residential Tenancies 隶属Ministry of Justice.地址:120-2151 Scarth St.Regina SK S4P [email protected] Free Callers: 1-888-215-2222Out of Province Callers: 1-306-787-2699Toll Free Fax: 1-888-867-7776Out of Province Fax: 1-306-787-5574http://www.justice.gov.sk.ca/ORT

回复: 急!请大家给意见谢谢诸位。

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 新David0531 0$(VIP 0) 1,8442013-06-12#6 回复: 急!请大家给意见Landlord’s notice for non-payment of rent​ 15​(1) A landlord may end a tenancy immediately by serving a notice to end thetenancy if rent is unpaid for a period of more than 15 days after it is due. If a tenantdoes not vacate the unit in response to the notice, the landlord can make anapplication to the Director of Residential Tenancies for possession of the unit.​ (2) If the tenant is responsible for the payment of utilities and any utility chargesare unpaid, the landlord may treat the unpaid utility charges as unpaid rent if thetenant fails to make payment within 15 days after a landlord has requested thatthe tenant make payment.​ [see section 57 of ​The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006]​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​Landlord’s notice: non-payment of rent 57​(1) A landlord may end a tenancy immediately by service of a notice to end thetenancy on a tenant if rent is unpaid for a period of 15 days or more after the day itis due.​(2) A notice pursuant to this section must comply with section 63.(3) A notice pursuant to this section has no effect if the amount of rent that isunpaid is an amount the tenant is permitted pursuant to this Act to deduct fromrent.(4) If a tenant fails to vacate residential property in accordance with a valid noticeserved pursuant to subsection (1), the landlord may apply for an order of possession pursuant to section 70.(5) The landlord may treat unpaid utility charges as unpaid rent and may give notice pursuant to this section if:(a) the tenancy agreement requires the tenant to pay utility charges to the landlord or the person providing the utility; and(b) the utility charges are unpaid for a period of 15 days or more after the ​tenant is given a written demand by the landlord for payment of them​ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​ Form and content of notice to end tenancy​ 63 ​ To be effective, a notice to end a tenancy must be in writing and must(a) be dated and identified as originating from the landlord or tenant givingthe notice;(b) give the address of the rental unit;​ (c) state the effective date of the end of the tenancy;​ (d) state the grounds for ending the tenancy; and(e) when given by a landlord, be in the approved form.​ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​ 特别感谢Jmszl提供的信息。​​​​

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 桃 桃李 0$(VIP 0) 3,9172013-06-12#7 回复: 急!请大家给意见战斗结果如何?

回复: 急!请大家给意见好久不见了。没啥结果,开始挺着急,想想也就平息了许多。实在不行,交学费长点见识而已。

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”好久不见了。没啥结果,开始挺着急,想想也就平息了许多。实在不行,交学费长点见识而已。点击展开... 出租确实要慎重。我的房子,开价1950,竟然有月收入1700,带四个孩子和一个妹妹的单身母亲要租,把我吓死了。 宁愿空着也不敢租,不然房子想卖都卖不掉。 总的来说,租给移民,尤其中国人,比租给本地人好。中国人就很少有故意赖帐的。问题是,中国人喜欢买房,一般会以迅雷不及掩耳之势买房,这样的好房客不好找。

回复: 急!请大家给意见不客气,有用就好。

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