加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?
车停在Apartment的分配Stall,这人新移民(不知道多少年后才不新),耽误了几天去找。最后,知道被Alpine拖车公司拖走后,我昨天替新移民打电话,这经理告诉我已经按无主车拍卖了,(由于车主不用,这车已经停保险了)。 1,这“新移民”是低收入,有没有免费法律支持?怎样联系?怎样起诉?多少钱?该起诉谁?2,问这Alpine拖车公司,他说是有人让他拖的,这人有文件证明停车位是他的,但保密(想必他这点不会撒谎),但他说已经尽可能的通知了???,这新移民天天足不出户,怎么不知道?他通知谁了?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 反馈:列治文的台北仁 B-a-King 0$(VIP 0) 10,5202013-07-14#2 回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?不会是中国通缉犯吧?
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 小 小乐乐 0$(VIP 0) 1912013-07-14#3 回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?应该怎么办?
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?感觉象是“保密先生”欠物业费久拖不交,人家只能卖了他的车抵费。
Sandy萨屯报道:你看不到的更精彩...... 超赞 赏 前生为鱼Moderator 0$(VIP 0,#492) 5,4442013-07-14#5 回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?http://www.reginapolice.ca/online-reporting/问问警察
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?问题是,假设停错车位,那另一个租客是否有权直接拖走?还是他应该先通知公寓管理员处理?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 列治文的台北仁 0$(VIP 0) 9,0382013-07-14#7 回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?了不起!
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?等待大家出主意,等待消息。
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?Try Legal Aid Commission The Legal Aid Act establishes the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission to provide legal services to persons and organizations for criminal and civil matters where these persons and organizations are financially unable to secure those services from their own resources. Regina City Area Office#200 - 1871 Smith StreetRegina S4P 4W5p: 306-787-8760f: 306-787-88271-877-424-1897Legal Director: Jamie A. T. Struthers, [email protected]
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?Try Legal Aid Commission The Legal Aid Act establishes the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission to provide legal services to persons and organizations for criminal and civil matters where these persons and organizations are financially unable to secure those services from their own resources. Regina City Area Office#200 - 1871 Smith StreetRegina S4P 4W5p: 306-787-8760f: 306-787-88271-877-424-1897Legal Director: Jamie A. T. Struthers, [email protected]点击展开...谢谢。已经预约了,下一步怎么办?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 P pighead 0$(VIP 0) 1,3102013-07-25#11 回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?if no insurance, he should not park in the stall, at least parking insurance. I guess this is the reason why had been towed
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?有用留下警惕下自己if no insurance, he should not park in the stall, at least parking insurance. I guess this is the reason why had been towed点击展开...
回复: 替问:停车在车位,被拖走了,拍卖了,怎么办?怎么办了?
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