加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822013-09-05#2 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。来电了
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 萨屯蓝天白云 0$(VIP 0) 1012013-09-05#3 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。多大面积,我们家没事啊
超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822013-09-06#4 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。CTV Saskatoon Published Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52PM CST Last Updated Friday, September 6, 2013 6:36AM CST An equipment problem is being blamed for a widespread power outage left many Saskatoon neighbourhoods in the dark for hours Thursday evening.The problem began just after 5 p.m. with SaskPower reporting power outages in the River Heights, Massey Place, Confederation Park, Silverwood and Arbor Creek neighbourhoods. The power in Warman also went out shortly after 6:30 p.m.Power was also out in the Erindale and Silverspring neighbourhoods serviced by Saskatoon Light and Power.Photos Power outages across Saskatoon had traffic backed up. Here, Circle Drive near 33rd Street was very backed up after traffic lights went out around 5:00 p.m.The outage affected traffic lights which led to large traffic jams and also resulted in patrons being asked to leave the city-operated Shaw Centre and the Lawson Civic Centre leisure facilities. The Lawson Heights Mall closed to shoppers but the mall's Target store did manage to stay open thanks to backup generators. Restaurants, strip malls and gas stations across a wise area of the city's northeast neighbourhoods also closed their doors because of the outage.SaskPower says the outage was caused by an equipment problem on a transformer in Warman, and an issue with a substation near the center of Saskatoon.Power in some areas of the city and Warman was restored beginning at approximately 9 p.m. but it took until about midnight until the lights were on in the Silverwood neighbourhood, the final area where service was restored.Read more: http://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/equipment-problem-blamed-for-power-outage-1.1442478#ixzz2e7UPUh3B
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 远行乐乐 0$(VIP 0) 5892013-09-06#5 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。LZ才一次?我们Arbor Creek这个夏天已经是第二次了。
微信公众号:远行乐乐 超赞 赏 萨屯蓝天白云 0$(VIP 0) 1012013-09-06#6 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。wow 看来面积真不小。估计最近十年也没用这么大面积的停电吧。
超赞 LZ才一次?我们Arbor Creek这个夏天已经是第二次了。点击展开...我也住A.C 上次应该只有10几分钟
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822013-09-06#8 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。costco 这条街上近两年来已经好几次了, 萨斯卡通的供电线路将来是个问题,工业民用建筑的增加很快
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 寂 寂寞梧桐 0$(VIP 0) 1,9422013-09-06#9 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。资本主义还是有不足之处啊
回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。局部小面积暂时性停电
回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。木有听说啊应该是配电的问题,不是发电不够冬天通常是用电最高峰
回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。我也住A.C 上次应该只有10几分钟点击展开...你上次才十几分钟?我那里可是停到半夜才来电哦。
微信公众号:远行乐乐 超赞 赏 Z zhuang_toyota 0$(VIP 0) 2992013-09-08#13 回复: 萨屯大面积停电(目前超过了4个小时),3年来首次遇到。我们住了快2年, 期间也有2次停电,但每次就1-2分钟。
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