加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息里加纳的同学最近在哪儿钓鱼最好?



Echo Valley Provincial Park -- 俗称大沙滩

06年03月14日 EMS递料(1600克)香港16日收29日中信汇票解付 06年04月10日 WCY 签发FN(补3E表)19日收到20日寄出该补表08年02月04日 WCY签发要求提交雅思信21日收到4月12日考鸭08年05月16日 WCY签发体检表25日收6月5日寄补料6月6日北京体检09年06月10日 香港安面7月4日二次体检9月25日签证10月21日长登Echo Valley Provincial Park -- 俗称大沙滩点击展开...today caught one walleye only at echo valley park. $7 parking, valid 24 hrs. but beautiful scene. very enjoyable.

可以去渔具店问问。S‘TOON的the fishin hole有一个专门的白板公布近期各个湖区渔汛,分成S(slow),F(fair), G (good) 三种情况. 如果是good就基本不会空手了。http://social.thefishinhole.com/index.cfm?action=snippets.show_province&ProvinceID=14 目前夏季,岸边普遍难钓,船上一早一晚好一些

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 G golf560 2$(VIP 0,#329) 1,3822014-08-14#5 http://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2014/august/13/free-fishing-weekendSASKATCHEWAN OFFERS SECOND FREE FISHING WEEKEND AUGUST 23 AND 24Released on August 13, 2014The weekend of August 23 and 24 marks the province’s second free fishing weekend of the summer. Everyone – including visitors to the province – will be free to fish on those days without having to buy a licence.Due to extreme rainfall and flooding in some areas of the province last month, boaters were advised to stay off some lakes for their own safety and to prevent disruption of flood mitigation efforts. As a result, people may not have had the opportunity to take advantage of the Free Fishing Weekend in July. However, everyone will have the chance to enjoy another free fishing weekend in Saskatchewan.“Free fishing weekend is a good time to try your luck fishing in one of Saskatchewan’s wonderful lakes and rivers, and to introduce new anglers to one of the province’s most popular outdoor activities,” Environment Minister Scott Moe said. “Sport fishing attracts more than 225,000 residents and visitors to our province, and generates more than $300 million each year.”Free Fishing Weekend does not occur in national parks, and anyone planning to take fish out of the province must purchase a licence. All other fishing regulations apply, including possession limits, reduced limits and closed areas on some lakes and rivers.Anglers on Lac La Ronge must have a free endorsement to conserve and enhance the lake trout population, and to gather angling pressure data on the lake. The free endorsements are available online through the Ministry of Environment’s automated hunting, angling and trapping licence system, from all licence issuers, ministry offices, and at select provincial park offices.More information about fishing in Saskatchewan can be found in the 2014 Saskatchewan Anglers’ Guide, available wherever fishing licences are sold, or online at saskatchewan.ca/fishing.-30-For more information, contact:Barb BarootesEnvironmentReginaPhone: 306-787-6595

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married ! 超赞 赏 jelimybear 0$(VIP 0,#509) 2,2572014-08-14#6 good to know and thanks!

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