加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息SINP - Saskatchewan Experience Category - Existing Work Permit Sub-category
I have realized that a lot of people are having to wait a long time for their PR to come through because the lawyer / agent that they employed are not doing their job properly. Not able to afford a lawyer or agent to represent me and do not want to run the risk of screwing up my application, I have decided to take the matter into my own hands. I would like to share with you my experience and provide you with a general timeline of this entire process. Please note that everyone's case is different and do not base your judgement solely on my example.I started preparing myself for SINP since June, 2012. The preparation process included, but not limited to:- work the required hours with certain employers in certain positions- obtain a positive L.M.O. (Labour Market Opinion)- establish residential tides in Saskatchewan- inquire necessary documents according to the Required Documents ListIt took me a long time to prep myself, and after about 2 years I was able to submit my SINP application. In July, 2014 the Government of Saskatchewan processed my application. On the SINP website it says the process will take about 3 months, but the SINP Nomination Certificate came through in mid September. Excited, I immediately prepared all the necessary documents and forward my application to the Federal Government. The CIO signed and received my application on September 18, 2014.Right now I am just waiting to receive my File Number from the CIO and I will keep this thread update, so those of you who are interested have an idea of how long it will take you to obtain your PR from this particular stream.
2014-07-09: SK Government Processed Application2014-09-12: SK Government Issued Nomination Certificate2014-09-18: CIO Received Application 超赞 赏 J jwang31 0$(VIP 0) 892014-10-21#2 Thanks for sharing your experience!I will pay attention to your posting.How to get LMO? Your employer help get it?
jwang31 说:Thanks for sharing your experience!I will pay attention to your posting.How to get LMO? Your employer help get it?点击展开...Yes, my employer applied for it. This entire process is pretty much employer driven, meaning if your employer doesn't want to participate then you won't be able to obtain a nomination from the SK government.
2014-07-09: SK Government Processed Application2014-09-12: SK Government Issued Nomination Certificate2014-09-18: CIO Received Application 超赞 赏 S sk123 0$(VIP 0) 1,6362014-10-22#4 哈哈,好有意思。你们的办公室都打不了中文吗?试试搜狗拼音。哈哈。
You can use Google Translate or get used to reading, writing, listening, and speaking English.
2014-07-09: SK Government Processed Application2014-09-12: SK Government Issued Nomination Certificate2014-09-18: CIO Received ApplicationYou can use Google Translate or get used to reading, writing, listening, and speaking English. 点击展开...我其实是想说语法错误好多,再就是有些句式用词都好生僻。。。我也是50步笑100步,英语也不是我第一语言。。。呵呵。既然想跟大家分享,为什么不用汉语写呢。。
确实不咋地。I have realized that a lot of people are having to wait a long time for their PR to come through because the lawyer / agent that they employed are not doing their job properly. Not able to afford a lawyer or agent to represent me and do not want to run the risk of screwing up my application, I have decided to take the matter into my own hands. I would like to share with you my experience and provide you with a general timeline of this entire process. Please note that everyone's case is different and do not base your judgement solely on my example.I started preparing myself for SINP since June, 2012. The preparation process included, but not limited to:- work the required hours with certain employers in certain positions- obtain a positive L.M.O. (Labour Market Opinion)- establish residential tides in Saskatchewan- inquire necessary documents according to the Required Documents ListIt took me a long time to prep myself, and after about 2 years I was able to submit my SINP application. In July, 2014 the Government of Saskatchewan processed my application. On the SINP website it says the process will take about 3 months, but the SINP Nomination Certificate came through in mid September. Excited, I immediately prepared all the necessary documents and forward my application to the Federal Government. The CIO signed and received my application on September 18, 2014.Right now I am just waiting to receive my File Number from the CIO and I will keep this thread update, so those of you who are interested have an idea of how long it will take you to obtain your PR from this particular stream.点击展开...
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