加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息家庭各种家电耗电量及费用!
Energy Information Effective January 1, 2015.Peak DemandOn Monday, July 23, 2007 we set a new system demand peak. The peak reached 227,867 kVA at 5:00 p.m.Your MeterYour meter records the number of units of electricity you use. A unit of electricity, for the purposes of recording consumption, is a kiloWatt hour (kWh). A kiloWatt is equal to one thousand Watts. A kiloWatt hour is one thousand Watts used for one hour. Energy is measured in kiloWatt hours (kWh).How to read your electric meterFollowing is a list of costs as determined by applying the current(effective January 1, 2015) City of Saskatoon Residential Rate of 13.58 cents per kWh to Measurement Canada's national average energy use:Household AppliancekWh UsageMonthly CostAir Conditioner - Central480.0$65.18Air Conditioner - Window120.0$16.30Clothes Dryer106.0$14.39Clothes Washer10.0$1.36Coffee Maker - Drip4.5$0.61Color T.V.36.0$4.89Computer & Printer7.0$0.95Dehumidifier36.0$4.89Dishwasher48.0$6.52Fax Machine9.0$1.22Freezer - 16 cu ft107.0$14.53Fry pan4.0$0.54Furnace Humidifier15.0$2.04Furnace Motor - 45%161.0$21.86Hair Dryer9.0$1.22Iron6.0$0.81Lawnmower4.8$0.65Microwave24.0$3.26Refrigerator - 18 cu in129.0$17.52Stereo6.0$0.81Stove115.0$15.62Toaster3.0$0.41Vacuum10.8$1.47VCR3.0$0.41Water Cooler6.3$0.86Water Heater - 40 gal480.0$65.18VehiclesCost per HourCost per Day(8 hours)Cost per Month(8 hrs/day for 30 days)Interior Warmer (800 Watt)10.86 cents86.88 cents$26.06Block Heater (750 Watt)10.19 cents81.52 cents$24.46Battery Blanket (100 Watt)1.36 cents10.88 cents$3.26LightsCost per HourCost per Day(8 hours)Cost per Day(24 hours)Cost per Month(8 hrs/ day for 30 days)Cost per Month(24 hrs/day for 30 days)100 Watt1.36 cents10.88 cents32.64 cents$3.26$9.7960 Watt0.81 cents6.48 cents19.44 cents$1.94$5.8340 Watt0.54 cents4.32 cents12.96 cents$1.30$3.89Baseboard HeatersCost per HourCost per Day(24 hours)Cost per Month(8 hrs/day for 30 days)Cost per Month(24 hrs/day for 30 days)1000 Watt13.58 cents$3.26$32.70$97.801500 Watt20.37 cents$4.89$48.90$146.70
Block heater还挺费电啊。如果有车库不用插电也行吧。我今年还没插过电那。
Heated garage当然就不用插电啦。数据偏高,中央空调貌似没那么耗电。
sk123 说:Heated garage当然就不用插电啦。数据偏高,中央空调貌似没那么耗电。点击展开...我家车库是detached的,没insulation, 没heating的。 不过车是新车, 我一同事说她的新车今年没插电也能打着火,她家还没车库的。她的5年新的旧车去年插电也打不着只好trade in买了个新车。
百合 说:我家车库是detached的,没insulation, 没heating的。 不过车是新车, 我一同事说她的新车今年没插电也能打着火,她家还没车库的。她的5年新的旧车去年插电也打不着只好trade in买了个新车。点击展开...没那么恐怖吧,换个新电瓶就行了。只要电瓶没事打火不成问题的,我的车-30在外面9个小时不插电,照样一打就着。
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计